Sunshine Blogger Award – Number 3!!

A terrific post in response to the nomination


sunshine-blogger-awardOdell at Finding Environs(Patrick Coholan) blog nominated me for my third Sunshine Blogger Award. Thank again Patrick for the nomination. An incredible feeling today as much as it was when I read the nomination a few days ago.

For those wondering what all this means, the Sunshine Blogger Award is given by bloggers, to other bloggers, who inspire creativity and positivity within the blogging community!

The Sunshine Blogger Award is a great way to recognize old and new bloggers and connect to others within your niche or the blogging world as a whole. It also means you spread the word about writers you love, with your readers! So, it’s a win-win for all involved, so lets spread the love and a little bit of sunshine!!

Before going any further, take the time right now to check Odell at Findingenvirons1 blog out. Well worth the time to head on over and check…

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