The Thwarted Search, a Chaucerian stanza

ChristineBolton, a poet, pointed out tonight that a Frank Hubeny is hosting “D’Verse Poets.”

Hubeny is prompting a seven-line poem, such as a Chaucerian stanza, a seven-line poem in iambic pentameter with a rhyme scheme of ABABBCC. Or any Christine wrote that she is up for the challenge and she chose to write a Chaucerian stanza, her first one. Her poem is good and you can find it at:

Christine Bolton – Poetry for Healing ©

Impressed, I tried my amateur hand at such a poem myself.

The Thwarted Search
a Chaucerian stanza

Not bringing here among ones seldom met
Less reason shap'd without much duress back
Evaluated in those facts long set
How such affairs withheld often for lack
Would most uncommon times have but the knack
To lead further again but less fulfilled
If I have no such luck it's uncontrolled

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