Is there a quote you love and why? #bloganuary

AZ Quotes
Douglas Adams quote

He wrote The Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and its sequels. The quote above includes the wisdom of Murphy’s Law, which states that if something can go wrong, it will go wrong. Douglas Adams’ books, additionally a BBC radio series, a TV series, and a film, all describe the obliteration of the Earth and two human survivors who eventually resolve to satisfy themselves with new lives, somewhere else in the universe.

Definition of foolproof

: so simple, plain, or reliable as to leave no opportunity for error, misuse, or failure a foolproof plan

The plan that initially begins the plot of The Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a plan to demolish a house to make way for the building of a freeway bypass. The foreman of the laborers who have the occupation is a bonehead in that he can’t handle the proprietor of the house, our hero, from giving a valiant effort to stop the annihilation of his home. There is an idea that the seemingly foolproof plan to build the freeway bypass becomes a battle of wits between two men with different ideas. The irony in Adams’ novel pointed to the parallel idea that the entire planet should also be demolished for a plan to build an interspace bypass.

I think Adams felt that the majority are fools.

I feel reassured to read the Adams quote, as I often try to reflect on my strengths rather than feel like a loser. I have a wonderful girlfriend, a home to live in, and family. Though I am not sure I’ve ever achieved anything foolproof, the fact that nothing much is foolproof is a heartening indication that perhaps there is a foolproof plan for the Earth that only God comprehends.

Douglas Adams passed on 11 May 2001.

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