SEO for Small Business Owners in the Digital Age – Part III of III on Local SEO 10 Ways to Establish Yourself as an Authority

Today is the tenth anniversary of this blog. I registered ten years ago today.

It’s been something else. I am not sure how pro it seems, but as a hobby, it’s provided me with quite a bit of satisfaction.

Photo by Words as Pictures on StockSnap

SEO is search engine optimization, which is how I’ve guided search engines to my blog. According to SEO, authority refers to a site’s importance or weight relative to a search query. When determining the authority of a webpage, modern search engines such as Google consider many factors (or signals).

There’s no denying that there’s fierce competition in the blogosphere for high-ranking placements. However, the “reign of terror” is over. It used to be that you had to outsource most of your content production because you didn’t have time to write it.

Here are some guidelines for what you need to do to get reach at your site.

  1. Create great content

I wrote for a content mill some years ago. It’s terrible. That’s the most money I made, however, solely from writing.

  1. Start with a high-quality domain name

I put two words together, finding environs, added the number 1, and made that my domain name. They are random words.

  1. Use social media platforms wisely

You want to be appropriate, and also well-situated. For example, why build an echo chamber on a site that has pulled dissatisfied users away from Twitter, when you could have remained on Twitter and got remarks from both sides of an issue? That doesn’t make much sense to me.

  1. Build an email list of subscribers

It is critical.

That said, I didn’t take this advice myself. The reason is that I do this for a hobby, not to be taken more seriously than that. I have good intentions–I like to feel well-versed in the topics I think to discuss.

I am hoping that I may find something more by doing this that will interest me.

It could be you! 🙂

  1. Host a giveaway or contest on your blog

This advice, in addition, is common to read.

  1. Interact with other influential bloggers in your niche

If you want a leg up on the competition, offering to write a guest post for a more influential blogger may contribute to your success, if it goes well. The exposure you gain may ultimately serve you.

  1. Provide free resources to visitors such as ebooks, guides, etc. (content upgrades) to encourage them to subscribe for more updates from you.

There was a gold rush for ebooks on Twitter years and years ago. I think a lot of Twitter users are interested in whether the deal to sell Twitter to Elon Musk will be successful. It could be a gigantic success.

Musk could back out, as I think bogus Twitter accounts are an issue to him. I don’t think he will, however, in the end. The story is too big to end on a negative note.

I doubt that Musk has much patience for failure.

  1. What are the steps to creating backlinks?
Photo by Leeroy on StockSnap

a) The first step is to find out what people link to. To get great backlinks, you have to find sites that already have fantastic backlinks and examine their link profiles. Perhaps you’ll notice some patterns or learn how they operate.

b) Finding out who is linking to you is step two. How much traffic is your website getting from social media?

c) The third step is to find out why people are linking.

When you uncover your relevance in the big picture, you have an idea of how you fit in and where to go next with the work which you’re doing. Doesn’t that seem cosmic? Proper SEO and a mailing list are two tips that seem to me to be invaluable.

I generally am satisfied enough that I want to keep doing this. You should be, too. The future is hard to predict.

There is quite a bit of anticipation for Web 3.0 and the metaverse. It may be soon for me to turn additional attention to these matters, but I am already reading about the metaverse, of course. It is exciting.

Can I believe that I registered this blog ten years ago? I wonder if there will be another ten.

Good luck, readers. Of course, you’re welcome to like, subscribe, and comment.

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