How to create video content that makes you more famous

Some of my favourite personalities are YouTubers. And some of them want the fame and fortune of chasing the dream of being a big influencer!

Seventeen Magazine

A blogger writes on a website or a social media service (microblogging), and a vlogger video records presentations. Vlogging is the hotter of the two. There’s nothing better than a taste of Hollywood nostalgia, and it’s great to hear a TV journalist discuss what is going on in the world.

While a good vlogger can routinely (and sometimes casually) go viral, a smaller influencer or several may be better for you than someone towing a line. Consider referring to modest sources, instead of solely big ones, the big guns, such as Warner Bros, or CNN.

With the pandemic, embracing video content became all the more normal a pastime, when health care shuttered public destinations. I am not blogging the point of view of the creators. I want to pick up on how you can enjoy YouTube and feel supportive of your favourite vloggers.

They’re trying to live a dream! Making videos for a living on YouTube means you will only succeed if people watch the videos. If a YouTuber doesn’t have an audience, that creator will be unable to support a lifestyle solely through YouTube.

If you like video content, you should deal with a few realities. YouTube’s algorithm will give you recommendations that will waste your time if you are not attentive. Looking back at what I wrote in 2019, I saw that I complained that YouTube was beginning to become a platform only for mainstream entertainment, such as cable news and Hollywood filmmaking.


When YouTube creators upload a mixture of original and copyrighted content, this can be flagged as a copyright violation, making the video inaccessible. YouTube is an extraordinary place for anyone who enjoys transferring recordings to the Internet, but that does not mean making a living at it is simple. That’s the nature of the beast.

The creators that you most enjoy should be people for whom you are loyal, supportive and careful. There is a good chance that a creator will produce more videos if their work gets attention. If you want to watch more of their stuff, watch your favourite creators’ videos from start to finish, and also consider watching the YouTube ads on their videos.

I am willing to speculate that those tips will make whom you chose in vlogging to enjoy watching even more prurient. When you join in with others who want to watch the same thing, you’re making money. Your creator’s fame is your fame.

You are part of a great, loyal viewing audience. You ought to watch your perusing propensities, on the off chance that you don’t need your inclinations met with advertisements on YouTube. Many tech services show users ads inspired by real-life habits.

With antiSpyware freeware, you can remove cookies that track your browsing habits. Tracking cookies report to businesses to place ads to appeal to you.

Fans deserve credit for the creator’s success since they are the ones who cheer when it succeeds. That should make you feel triumphant!

Let’s use Star Wars as an example. The greatest challenges faced by Star Wars Last Jedi director Rian Johnson were largely for his indifference to making good movies, in contrast to the feelings fans have for Star Wars Force Awakens director JJ Abrams. It isn’t a scientific correlation, but Abrams recreated elements of Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope and accordingly made Force Awakens into a billion-dollar box office success.

Star Wars IV A New Hope is a favourite for many who fondly remember it. Borrowing from the film’s pool of goodwill was a good idea for Abrams. With the eighth Skywalker film, Lucasfilm again earned a fortune, but many fans were unsatisfied.

The Verge

The Last Jedi was hastily-constructed in some areas. Despite Rey’s history as a Force-sensitive heroine, Force Awakens did not explore her backstory with the emotional heft of the original trilogy. Abrams, tasked with directing Episode IX Rise of Skywalker, attempted to return to some of the story elements Johnson introduced in Episode VIII while bringing back the spirit of the original trilogy that comes across in Force Awakens.

Without a fandom to get the word out, the controversy of The Last Jedi would have been moot. Instead, we heard many opinions on the Disney sequel films from the fandom, often negative, often on social media.

That’s what a good YouTube supporter should do. Provide your perspective. It’s your unofficial responsibility!

A person dancing with fame is under pressure. The image of an influencer must be tight. Somebody should put me in charge! 🙂

Perhaps I should make another objective, of trying to turn into a force to be reckoned with.

You can like, follow, comment, and my contact details are on the About page. I had a blast last month doing the bloganuary challenge, which involved prompts and loads of posting. I am pleased with the current direction of social media and Web 2.0.

In my professional role, I manage a Facebook page for a family business, and I am watching to see if Facebook and Instagram will make good on their announcement that they will cease serving Europe unless data regulations remain favourable. Maybe that will be another blog post from me.

Why Skywalker`s Students Should Have Been Afraid

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Disney Plus made a cute Star Wars show about Jedi younglings, but not the murdered ones

In the past decade and a half, there may not be another Star Wars moment that fans love to hate, or simply just hate, more than when Anakin Skywalker slaughtered an entire room full of younglings in Revenge of the Sith. It was a dark, disturbing scene that haunted even the most passionate fans of George Lucas’ prequel trilogy.

The “Stupendous Wave” Star Wars YouTube channel said in 2019 that John Boyega’s people said that an official trailer for Rise of Skywalker would air at halftime during Monday Night Football, and go to YouTube at the same time. This sounded like bullshit to me, and as troubles continued after the backlash given what Rian Johnson did to the story arc directing The Last Jedi, I was mostly aware that I should try to get a night’s sleep that Monday and get the same scoop of trash that had been grabbed several times too many already the next morning.

StarWars #StarWars9 #TheRiseofSkywalker

Or whenever. They’re not the worst movies in the world, but they’re not really good, either.

Luke Skywalker wanted there to be more Jedi Masters, heroes of The Force, who help police their galaxy.

The word disciple is a personal follower of Jesus during his life. The Last Jedi retells how Jesus could do only so much, as when Luke is unseated by Ben Solo, son of Han Solo with Leia Organa. Ben has betrayed Luke and murdered the other disciples, becoming Kylo Ren.

This is not that different than the Apostle Judas betraying Jesus to Pontius Pilate for thirty pieces of silver. Unlike Jesus, crucified by the Romans, Luke enjoyed the freedom to retreat to Ahch-To. He is done with enlisting Jedi, at least until Rey seeks him out, and tells him what she knows is happening in the First Order across the galaxy.

Luke had known when teaching Ben that the young man could be trouble for the galaxy.

Some of the tragedy of The Last Jedi, tragic in the sense that the events of the story are irreversible, and of an ill nature, is that what Luke could teach caused the apprentices’ demise. Heady stuff. The Jedi dedication to The Force could not combat the voice of the darkness in Ben’s mind (Snoke’s voice, I believe).

Young Ben Solo is seduced by the Dark Side, as the transformation into Kylo Ren begins (with, I think, the interrogation of Rey).

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Photographer: Luca Baggio

Luke Skywalker is my favourite character in The Last Jedi because of the reminders Mark Hamill creates of the original Star Wars movie trilogy. Luke`s abilities in The Force, begun in Star Wars in 1977, and explored in the two sequels, are what fans usually like about him. For Luke to teach the ways of a Jedi Warrior is great because Luke learned from Yoda, in The Empire Strikes Back, the ways of The Force.

“Pass on what you have learned,” Yoda finally tells Luke in Return of the Jedi.

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Photographer: Michal Jarmoluk

The Star Wars audience knows of events in the time between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens because they have been told to Rey by Han Solo when the two are aboard the Millennium Falcon after Rey leaves home. If Luke`s other disciples had anticipated Ben’s seduction by the Dark Side, and his protĂ©gĂ©s, they would have become afraid, as this is Anakin Skywalker’s grandson and potentially very powerful. No one facing death would fail when a pressing objective very much requires the opposite: the objective to become Jedi and to defeat the First Order.

Luke`s remorse is evident.

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Photographer: Mateusz Dach

Recollections of the murders are present in The Last Jedi, but that movie would have been better if it were more clear what Luke searched for in his years of travel before the events of The Force Awakens. Luke is a Jedi Master who can deter the First Order if only he can teach Ben Solo the treachery of The Dark Side of The Force. That can`t be done, not even by Luke Skywalker.

How is it that Luke, with everything he knows about The Force, can make such a dangerous error? Luke has decided, I think, in The Last Jedi, that to wield The Force, with as much ferocity as he has, is hubris. If Luke had reached Ben Solo on any other level than training Ben to be a Jedi Warrior, the sway of The Dark Side on Ben might have been dispelled, with Ben never joining the First Order.

Although the conflict in Ben has made unrest in the galaxy that Luke, Leia, Poe, Finn, 3P0, R2, and Rose together begin to combat in The Force Awakens, Ben`s path could have taken him elsewhere instead of to the very center of the battle against the tyranny of the First Order anew in the galaxy.

Reasonable fear is usually an emotion evoked by The Dark Side of the Force on one full of vulnerability. That same emotion could have prevented the tragedy and kept both Han Solo and Luke Skywalker alive. Remember that Luke`s powers mostly fail him in The Empire Strikes Back when Darth Vader pursues him to Cloud City on Bespin after Yoda has told Luke that he isn`t ready for the encounter.

In The Last Jedi, Leia has told Luke that she desires him to teach The Force. If Luke could have drawn insight from what Yoda at the last had to say about teaching, with wisdom, The Force, a generation before Ben murdered Luke’s apprentices, the drawback of overconfidence in Luke Skywalker could have meant a saner outcome.

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The Skywalker Saga drew to a close beginning December 20, 2019.