The Hunger Games Guide to Holiday Shopping

Notable actor Donald Sutherland received one of Canada’s highest honors, I read the other day, on Facebook, in an article in The Atlantic. Sutherland has a role in The Hunger Games. That’s the adaptation of the Suzanne Collins novel, about older adolescents who become tributes to patriarchal figures, for the sake of honor.

“Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor.”

Josh and Manda’s son, Mack, though older, is still approximately the age of the tributes, in the film. While we know he is committed to being his own man, I have heard that Mack has taken an interest in theatre, playing stage roles. In his first few months of uni, I saw a video Mack helped do.

I would enjoy buying a Christmas present, for when he returns in late December, but it is tough to think what the boy could want, given that I haven’t seen him in many moons. Was it last year I got him a few issues of comics? Yeah, I got him Star Wars comics.

I could do that again. It would be fun. Younger than Mack is Clara, who I would also like to buy a gift, and at her young age of nine, it will be far easier to get Santa’s approval.

Manda, Clara and Mack

Last winter, I remember, I went to that one beautiful mall in town, to get her a children’s book. A book clerk, who was a pretty young lady, helped me decide which book would be right for my niece, of all the titles in the children’s section of the store. It would be nice to get a number once in a while, wouldn’t you know?

Cough. There is no real Hunger Games shopping guide, but a few remarks can be drawn from the possibility that you’ve read the novel, or you would like to read it. I haven’t myself, so I am in the dark, but I watched the first half of the film, on Netflix, between yesterday morning and today.

Mom’s picture of their backyard after the unusual November snowfall

I’m interested, particularly now because when the trailer for The Rise of Skywalker went up on YouTube, the channel Geeks + Gamers threw away an observation that The Rise of Skywalker looks like The Hunger Games. Geeks + Gamers has dismissed the new Star Wars trilogy completely, while still bringing attention to Star Wars news, often with a very sneeringly critical attitude, but I was interested to hear what Jeremy says about the Rise of Skywalker trailer.

By the way, fans of the films, again this year went out in search of toy purchases, for Force Friday, the shopping day. The original Force Friday event was held on September 4, 2015. Remembering my interest, in a YouTube video, I saw a couple of Star Wars guys find an all-night WalMart and go in to see what toys they wanted.

In the WalMart in the video I watched, the staffers hadn’t yet constructed the display for the new Star Wars toys, and when they began to dig out the boxes of toys, the dozen or so people who were at the WalMart, at midnight, for Force Friday, competed with some heat for the most desirable action figures.

It is to be noted that the games, in the story, in The Hunger Games are part of a competitive honor, and I am sure that the coolest Christmas gifts are sold first and make the best impressions when they are bestowed. I take it, while not having read the Suzanne Collins novels, that patriarchs select tributes for their ability with the range of a bow, and it implies they are wanted for their strength, and also for their beauty. I don’t want to spoil too much more.

I hope the next few weeks are splendid for you, and that you’ll be back to see that all’s well. You’re welcome to like, to follow, and/or to subscribe to.

We’ll see you again during this festive time of year.