Remember a dream you had. #bloganuary

I have had a recurring dream in which I live in an apartment beneath a vampire’s castle. The dream appears similar to the remake of the film Nosferatu: Phantom Der Nach, directed by Werner Herzog in 1979, and to Norman Bates’ house in Psycho, directed by Alfred Hitchcock in 1960. It is always frightening returning to the house, and I never have an opportunity to move out of that home.

Werner Herzog

I referred to the dream moods website. “To see a house in your dream represents your own soul and self,” dream moods says. You have specific areas of your home that reflect different aspects of your personality.

When you dream of an old, rundown house, it represents your old beliefs, attitudes, and how you used to feel. Your current situation may be triggering old attitudes and feelings. The old house may also represent your need to update your thinking style. When you see messy or dilapidated houses in your dreams, something in your own life might be in chaos. There may be some emotional or psychological clutter affecting you. For you to recover control, you need to relinquish these sentiments.

Having a dream of a haunted house signifies unfinished business in your personal life, such as unresolved grief or unresolved emotions.

This fantasy, which has come to me recurringly for a couple of days all at once, and at various times, is generally somewhat delightful and somewhat unnerving. I live in apprehension about the house, but then I can’t abstain from returning, as the place of the beast is the place where I reside.

My sister Kaite, years and years ago, encouraged me to look into the meaning of my dreams with the gift of a dream dictionary book. Although I’ve long since lost the book, I enjoyed probing into what some dreams I was having could mean.

When I am writing, my mother has also advised me to reflect on my dreams.