What is a road trip you would love to take? #bloganuary

An excursion is extraordinary, assuming you have a touch of resourcefulness about you. If ever the opportunity comes, I think I will be on board, rather than miss out, on what is nearly a surefire recipe for fun.

This writing prompt is funny, too, because the phrase “road trip” reminds me of the Ivan Reitman-directed film (titled Road Trip) of the very early 2000s. That movie’s a comedy, the story of eligible college boys racing cross-country, to intercept a videotape, mistakenly placed in the mail. It’s a tape that will put the brakes on a burgeoning love affair, between one young gent and his significant other. She is about to find out he has strayed unless his friends get the tape back.

The movie aside, the ideal excursion may be, for a more established individual like me, between here and London, Ontario, which is a town I haven’t seen for quite some time. It’s where my sister Kaite did an undergraduate degree. I’ve heard that London is a technology hub, and it would be fun to see it. London’s only about two hours away, so a road trip there is the kind of thing you can knock back without much worry.

These are a few famed destinations you can visit in London.

Springbank Park, or the Thames River Park, occupies an area of nearly 350 acres in the western neighbourhood of London.

Museum London is ideal for those seeking more information about London’s history. Its collection includes more than 5,000 unique works of art and some 45,000 artifacts from across Canada, with a special focus on the local region.

With its architecture dating back to 1827, the Catholic St. Peter’s Cathedral Basilica makes for a beautiful backdrop for a picture.

I think, all around, London would make for a great road trip.