It was Luminescent, and It was True

April 10, 2018

Fandango’s Friday Flashback — April 10

You’re kind of lucky if life’s been luminescent for you.  That’s today WordPress daily prompt, the word luminescent.

Luminescent is a word that has a lot of connotations.  I can think of a few with ease.

April 10, 2018
You’re kind of lucky if life’s been luminescent for you.

Think of the stellar skyscape–the myth that when the moon is full, lunacy runs rampant.

Do you like monster movies?  You probably know that the wolfman transforms in the luminescence of the full moon.

This month’s full moon is the twenty-ninth and the thirtieth.  Tonight’s moon is a waning crescent.

Belief in the power of the full moon can be a devilish outlook, which I’d assert is unfortunate in the season of Easter.  We should be celebrating spring.

I am a Canadian, and while I live in the southern parts of the great nation of Canada, it is here, you might say, a short growing season.  I’m certainly envious of the good fortune of people living in more idyllic parts of the world.

The work I do, year-round, is to carry out operations in a small not-for-profit cemetery (in a junior capacity), and at times I see luminescence when I am there (usually accompanied solely by my dad).  Effects of that kind can be creepy, but there is often a benign atmosphere there as we care for the grounds and for the church.  It is generally serene.

1/400 sec. f/5 6.1 mm
Just past Maple Lawn Cemetery

I’m inclined to see luminescent as peaceful, which is what the cemetery really is.  I know about grief and I know people go to cemeteries to pray for the departed, but it doesn’t need to be an uncomfortable experience.  When it’s luminescent, I find the ambiance comforting.

You know I’m expected to be solemn.  I’m not one for a pint with the lads, shall we say.  A stab at art or writing or pastimes of that kind in a state of mind that’s luminescent is apt to be rubbish.

You have to approach creative endeavors from a point of view that’s solid.  At least do your editing sober.  It is up to you, all the same.

Jackson Pollack, for example, painted while very drunk, I believe.  Something he said on the subject is

Bums are the well-to-do of this day. They didn’t have as far to fall.

If I look at something I’ve posted or photographed or the like and it’s terrible, I wonder what my poor beleaguered mind was set upon.  It is easily unflattering.  More frankly, you can make a fool of yourself quite readily.  I know I have.

What I think, though, on whether you’re proven a fool is that mistakes happen–shit happens.  One takeaway from college that I have is a theatre axiom.

A little foolishness is genius.  Too much foolishness is madness.

I am not sure you should repeat that.

Youngsters if they’re inclined to creativity should have their own time to discover what’s art and what’s merely luminescent.  Time really does speed and any sane person should fully know the weight of what’s in store in the decades of adulthood and never worry about how it is luminescence plays on the heart and on the mind.

I know it’s less than profound, but you can get the same impact on yourself from drinking a basic coffee and watching a good film, like The Shawshank Redemption for example.  I don’t think it’s any better to probe personal depths and pour it out to feel your art than it is to passively and alertly watch something like a good film bringing with you a philosophical bent.

Don’t tear yourself apart.  The full moon will rise every single month of your life.