Devising Content that Stands Out from the Crowd

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Bloggers who enjoy WordPress are presently grappling with 5.0 Gutenberg.  While WordPress is promising to support the classic editor for a couple of years going forward, it may be best to choose to use the update if you are going to continue blogging with WordPress.  Nobody should be saying “R.I.P. WordPress” or anything like that.

WordPress is one more platform for written content, which if you have a feel for writing, you should consider continuing.  Don’t overlook podcasting and other interesting platforms, but in a time of change, it is important to be confident that you are reaching out on the Internet effectively.

A blog remains an essential requirement of life with the Internet in 2017.  It is neither a lost art nor spurious.  If you are serious about your name on the Internet, you need to be blogging.

It is not without a sense of urgency that we experience our lives.  The long and short of the problem is that with so many demands on our time, it is urgent that we get to the belly of the beast and keep crossing items off our to-do lists.

When I think of everything in life that demands our attention, and I am not a parent, nor even really a career man, the no. 1 thing I think of is the need to post content.  That being said, it may help to reflect that writing content is all about capturing people’s attention.

Content needs to provoke interest and to continue to do so (being “evergreen”), at a time when there is constant competition against which you need to pit yourself.  You have what is a finite amount of time available.  Therefore it is with some urgency that you need to keep the content coming.

You are almost certainly on social media already if you are reading WordPress blogs.  When I blog, I want to present a relative amount of truth and dedication to the hobby so that I am not merely spinning my wheels.

If you want to “like” this post and/or “follow” the blog, by all means, of course, you are welcome to do so.  You can leave me comments as well.  Thanks for visiting, and good luck with your content!