A Photo of Harmony: Do you Agree?

March 9, 2016, I published a blog post which reflecting today I handled poorly.  It was in response to a weekly photo challenge on the subject of harmony.  Revising the post I think it is a touch better.  I like the photo I am substituting for the older one, a bit risqué but I feel a better photo.


This week’s photo challenge is to illustrate harmony, or what gives the feeling of harmony.  Today I took another photo, adjustments in mind, that I thought would better indicate how I feel about what the idea harmony means to people.


I took a similar photo Wednesday, October 18, 2017, to the one I took March 9, 2016, when I had less experience.  The people drinking were long gone when I noticed what they’d left behind, but we’re not hard on visitors, as we understand they’re mostly out to have a good time.

The problem is that people often grieve at the cemetery at the top of the hill.  If they were there at the same moment we were, I suppose we might rush them away, but it has never happened that way.


After a long winter in my part of the land, it is beginning to be warm, quite encouraging. I thought this day, as many people are feeling relief, harmonious. This is the idea behind my photo.


1/160 sec. f/4.2 18.3 mm
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Though the colors of the photo are sedated and muted, we have a wonderful little creek there, a hint of solace and it spoke to me the idea harmony.

Many times we seek harmony and want it as something other than sweet music, or the power, however fleeting it can be, of a prayer.

Do you take photos?  Do you see this photo and agree and disagree that it hints at harmony? Feel free to let me know with a “like” or a “comment.”