Mermaid’s September 2018 WordPress Tea Party

Thanksgiving Monday

Updated October 8, 2018

The Little Mermaid is an inspired blogger who has an interesting WordPress event which she organizes.  Over the last several weeks she liked occasional comments of mine.  The Little Mermaid warmed to comments I was leaving on the Beauty Beyond Bones blog.

That’s another blogger’s work, the author of an interactive journal leading with frank writing about anorexia, who is recovering and blogging.

Consequently about a month ago I looked at what The Little Mermaid was doing in her blog, and for September 2018, and the two months before it, The Little Mermaid busily has organized tea parties.  These are exercises for bloggers, formulated by The Little Mermaid.  I try to take an interest, at least occasionally, in bloggers who express appreciation for my own blog.

The Little Mermaid has organized her third tea party.  Her theme for September 2018 is food.

Although initially I thought I would feature grocery store items in my refrigerator freezer, I made the decision to shoot a photo of my mom and dad’s kitchen, where they are putting together a few grocery items for me.  I work with my dad at a not-for-profit endeavour, unrelated, but which you can find out more about here.

Food for me is an important privilege and one that’s essential.  To survive is to have grocery store items on hand, I feel,

Thanksgiving Monday
My dad after dinner on Thanksgiving Monday in Canada

For the most part, I divide my food into eating I do at home and also two or three times a week a supper with my mom and dad.

It is considerate of my parents to include me, although of course, I’m family.  Those meals can be quite good.  While typically simple and inexpensive, it is also a meeting time for family information, which is good as otherwise, something important could have missed me.

I appreciate the opportunity to draw attention to bloggers who help me feel inspired, such as The Little Mermaid and Beauty Beyond Bones.  I like guidelines that spur on a concept, as in for example a specific theme.  That is what these WordPress tea parties are about, I think.

I enjoy making the effort.  Thank you for reading.  You’re welcome to “like,” follow, and/or comment as you please.