Dressing for Success: Understanding Why We Dress the Way We Do

Have you ever thought about why we dress the way we do? Maybe it’s for our own confidence; whether that means looking good for ourselves and feeling better about ourselves, or being properly outfitted to impress those around us. But no matter the reason, understanding how and why we decide to dress can help us make smarter decisions when selecting our wardrobe – even if it’s just choosing something in a rush before heading out!

The thing I keep promising my girlfriend is that I will dress better, but I never seem to get around to it.

A spontaneous “to-do” list might even include it as my “number one” priority. When we are having fun together, I can tell she is trying to motivate me to be proud of how we look. I want to look at least as good as other people.

When I dress like a ‘bum,’ I think I am almost doing her psychological harm. That’s how I come across in her eyes, and I don’t like it. Yet it is simply difficult for me to find suitable clothes for her to wear without embarrassing her.

I love my girlfriend. I rationalized that I shouldn’t stress myself too much about dressing well. Conversely, I aim to meet fairly reasonable expectations.

Sometimes I just need to get up the nerve to go into a department store. This will enable me to buy at least one decent outfit now and then. My girl would have an easier time showing me love if I met what appears to be a very simple request.

Since I’ve been thinking about getting back into long-form blogging, I thought I would journal this. If I simply address this “to-do” item, I may be able to better manage that since this is an issue between us that does arise occasionally.

In the interests of full disclosure: I was reading notes in 2021 by Robert Duff, Ph.D., when I thought to blog this. A clinical psychologist, self-help writer, and podcaster, he is known by the handle @duffthepsych.

From Zero to Hero: Titles of the Chapters in My Autobiography #bloganuary

What would you do if you won the lottery?

Wondering what life has been up to and if there have been enough strange experiences that an autobiography would be interesting? Drawing on decades of a blog that details my life, let’s take a look at the different chapters we could create and delve into the scrapbook of memories that make me who I am.

Share the chapters of an entrepreneur’s autobiography with readers in an inspiring blog post: from how they went from zero to hero, and what lessons we can all learn from their journey!


I see it. Bloganuary is the name for the January writing prompts that help bloggers celebrate the month of January.

I guess I’ve done it three years in a row now.

My attitude toward it has changed a lot this year. If I didn’t feel like the prompt was a good shape for me, I didn’t do it. I still got in many posts.

The #bloganuary team deserves words of thanks for everything they put together again this year. It was fun.

It probably takes a certain kind of person to want to do a personal blog. Many people do it, but I’m attracted to that kind of hobby. As a blogger, I don’t think I would ever want to make it “work,” but you probably know that some bloggers make money from their blogs.

That’s just not what I’m doing.

I work for my father’s business, the business he ran in his golden years, at an operations level. You can find it here: https://www.facebook.com/LouthUnited/

He’s been supportive of my efforts with this blog most of the time. I’m not sure that he reads it, but I think he’s seen that it has some worthwhile aspects to it.

You can like, follow and comment if you’re so inclined.

Breaking Free from the Lies We Tell Ourselves: A Reflection on What’s True #bloganuary

When I first met a girl, by most standards, she used the word “passive-aggressive” sometimes, which was very frustrating.

Every time she said it, and it wasn’t all the time, I felt like she was coming out swinging at me and calling me a wimp.

I related this, I suppose, to being Marty McFly in the Back to the Future movies. I felt like I had to make all kinds of things happen if I eventually wanted the year 2015 to be all right.

I was troubled by it for a long time. Some years later, maybe three years later, I kind of resolved the uneasiness it caused in my heart. It took me a long time to find a book about passive-aggressive anger that explained its meaning in substantial detail, which at least gave me time to reflect on the accusation.

The lie there was that the kind of underlying anger would sort of anger karma into destroying my opportunities in life. I experimented with it to find out. In an attempt to create some mirth in what can be described as a sluggish job, I made small talk at work to appear passive-aggressive.

I suppose I seemed like a loser, really. The experience of viewing life experiences through the eyes of someone who is passive-aggressive was pretty fun, though.

And I’m not sure it made a difference at all.

There is plenty to be said in favor of observing custom. To somebody that wants a class clown at age thirty or however old, it merely steered my progress in life into coming in contact with people who related to grime. While being responsive to feedback about how I acted, I found a lot of satisfaction in bringing up learning experiences I’d had that had been pretty terrible.

I didn’t have much of a problem doing this. I didn’t feel there was anything wrong with me being socially inept. This is considered a matter of opinion.

As the singer put it, I never thought I was on TV.

What Would I Do with a Billion US Dollars? #bloganuary

Come up with a crazy business idea.

It would be pretty cool to spend a billion US dollars. I bet I could build a thriving business in any industry anywhere in the world. I suppose I would put myself at the helm and draw any number of talented people to run different functions.

I started thinking about publishing when I tried to be honest with myself about what kind of firm I would build. I am not sure, however, if that would be the only fun. The future of traditional publishing in January 2023 appears uncertain to me.

Tech flitted across my consciousness. A line of desktop computers for gaming and a few game titles would be something I’d like to do, something tech-oriented and retro-feeling. There would be a first-person shooter set in a Martian-like alien world, and there would be a space battle game about building a colony in outer space and battling other colonies for control.

There seems to be a difference between blogging and becoming a publisher to me. It might be fun to create a simulation game where you can play as a publishing magnate right from home. Through this, I will be able to compete with rival media companies for control of the information flow in the first world.

A couple more games, it would be fun to do an action game which would probably be another first-person shooter where an Intelligence operative runs about in a Cold War era Planet Earth to protect the free world, and fifth, a game that helps players find their way into a metaverse, but a metaverse where the NPCs and the environments to run about within are pleasantly surreal homes for both AI-generated imagery and player uploads of their own detailed NPCs and art to increase the value of by searching for both historical relics and also rare ingredients that provide quirky special touches to art that players create on the fly for the game.

This would be a pretty rewarding way to impact the lives of many people.