9 Things Your Boss Expects You to Know About Justice League

What are the professional values of your boss like?

The HBO Max director’s cut of the film Justice League revived the popularity of DC superheroes, Batman, Superman, The Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and other heroic entities.

If you are a fan, you may have passionate feelings about the theatrical version of the film, and the miniseries.

But would your boss expect you to know anything about the Justice League?


Maybe your boss is like Michael Scott from TV’s The Office. While Michael Scott impersonates famous standup comedians, maybe your boss wants you to be the hero of your own story. When I had supervisors coach me on the job, they would try to get me feeling good about the work.

When I was a salesman at a computer business, my own supervisor liked to say to me, “You’re the boss.”


Dishearteningly, the film Man of Steel from 2013 was the main Superman film for some time, not doing a lot to restore the name of the DCEU- – there was no continuation of the film series until Batman v. Superman: I don’t know that everyone needed Superman to kick the bucket at Batman’s hands. It just isn’t that nice an idea.

2013 Man of Steel Set in the DCEU

2016 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Set in the DCEU.

Suicide Squad is Set in the DCEU. Won an Oscar.


That last one- – loathsome title, eh?

I once blogged a review of Man of Steel:  https://www.findingenvirons1.blog/2017/01/27/discovering-the-man-of-steel-discoverwp/  Man of Steel’s an underestimated film. All the same, many in the audience were disappointed.  

Now Justice League in 2021 is a four-hour miniseries that could make your emotional investment in the DCEU feel worthwhile again.

In the years 2007 and in 2008, I did my best to hold down work. One day, my sales team held a draw to boost company morale, where supervisors awarded prizes for good work.

Some of the prizes were movie units on DVD. A couple of them went into my coat pocket: I won them, Godzilla with actor Matthew Broderick and 16 Blocks with actors Bruce Willis and Mos Def.

All our bosses wanted from us was sales calls so that we could say we had earned the sales contract.

Back about the time I won those movie DVDs, my friend on the job, whose name is Brandon, pointed out snidely one day that I was not the film buff I should have been. He must have been having a bad day.

“Do you know how many people are doing that?”


Today, years later, I thought I would point out nine things at work that you can only learn if you have at least a passing familiarity with the film Justice League.


The budgets for Batman v. Superman and Justice League were immense. At work, I suppose it’s about how much money is being spent on the job at hand, like payroll, upkeep, amortization, and other employment details. It may not be Superman’s Arctic Fortress where you work, but if the lights are on, and you’re putting money in your pocket, you’re alright.

Cast and crew

Who’s your supervisor? Who are the day people (or the night people, if you are one of the day people)? Who is greeting people?

Remarkable positions. I wonder if Bruce Wayne handled conference calls when he was kicking it in the Batcave.


Everyone in Justice League has a sensational, superhero-worthy costume.

I certainly didn’t, but we didn’t have to dress in a suit and tie. For fiscally-challenged sales reps, like myself, what is the dress code? How are we to match?

Do we get a casual Friday?

I wasn’t under much demand to dress smartly, but I gave it a go.


Like a winning free ticket, for instance, how do you get thinking outside the box? Do we need to be guarded with our business, or can we extol once in a while how great it is that we’re in the trenches doing it? How liberal can we be with feedback from the ruling class?

How sensitive are the bigwigs in terms of our rabble-rousing?

Would Lois Lane get the headline?


Alfred at Wayne Manor

Do we have to put away our phones while we work? Is it too much to ask that we get to multitask?

Would Alfred the Butler look after more than just dusting the modest decor of Wayne Manor?

Is there valet parking for our Batmobiles?

Personal computer knowledge

We proved in the interview that we know the system. We know the important commands.

I feel like I am frequently bewildered, despite my competence as a blogger. Dealing with gadgetry is a proper skill, your Batbelt, your communication lasso, and in all sincerity I raise a glass to you, my friend, reading this, having a knack for that. I just know it and between you and me, I believe it.

I don’t think spear-wielding Aquaman is too high-tech.

Musical score

Any chance you can wear just one earbud? That doesn’t have anything to do with the Justice League, but it could make work more tenable with a bit of music to enjoy.

The book The Four-Hour WorkWeek by Tim Ferriss recommends you play music any time you like. It’s the tried-and-true bestseller about productivity.

Popcorn in the aisle

Some people swear by microwave popcorn. Popcorn and an excursion to the films is a popular customs. It is strange, though, if, when at work, someone cooks popcorn in the staff kitchen.

When that happens, the aroma of popcorn catches uncool people unaware and there are both envy and odd recollections of being at the movies and experiencing happiness and satisfaction if you ask me what is happening there. I was never invited to get in on the buttery treat.


Any possibility we’ll be back? What about our friends? Any shot at getting more and better work, whether or not a steadfast go?

And you need it. I’m talking to you, the DCEU.

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For several years I have been lending time to my dad’s business, a cemetery which has been since attended by myself, my father, and as well an uncle of mine, and another friend of the family.  
