What is something you wish you knew how to do? #bloganuary

I am blogging the month of January with inspiration from WordPress writing prompts. I am pleased that they have been supportive.

Something people rail against is the cumulative onset of time. There is seldom enough time. Time is scarce. Sometimes time is money. Sometimes we lose track of time.

I wish I knew how to turn back time. I wish it was no more difficult than, say, picking out clothes from the rack. This one, that one, this one, that one.

The Man of Steel turns back time at the end of the 1978 blockbuster, the one titled Superman. It’s the Richard Donner-directed special effects bonanza with Christopher Reeve in the cast as Superman and Margot Kidder as Lois Lane. In the movie, Superman’s asked to choose between keeping a promise or saving Lois. In his anger, Superman challenges the authority of his father and turns back the Earth’s rotation, turning back time, so that he has more time to rescue Lois before she meets her end.


I am not angry that the time is beginning to run long behind me. That said, I wish there was a little longer left to perfect a few more things before the eventuality that possibly the best I’ll have done is behind me. That is an uncomfortable thought, and while perhaps ability is not yet lost, I am not sure I will have much time left for holding onto the passions of youth.

There could be mercy, that ambition dulls with time, the self-same progress, and satisfaction emerges from what mastery was achieved. It’s important to understand that there are many more young people. There is nothing terrible about having mellowed. I wish for it, as opposed to being irate that there wasn’t additional time. Every person has the same chances, give or take. Some people are lucky, and some are not.

Lois Lane was lucky.

16 Facts About Cleanliness’s Everyone Thinks are True

September is World Candle Month. Established in 2013, World Candle Month joins candle devotees around the planet. I think this year it is helping to remember September 11, as today is Patriot Day in the USA.

Well, let’s get out from under that debris.

In other parts of America, Nashville Tennessee author Jeff Goins retired at the end of the summer this year, having for ten years presented courses online, to get writers blogging. Books by Jeff Goins include his 2015 bestseller, The Art of Work. That book explains many expressions of work, by which to inspire readers.

While I didn’t officially join up with his courses, it is almost ten years now since I partook in the some of the free advice he proffered, like how to brainstorm ideas for your blog. Some of Goins’ blogging strategies I, in fact, applied. I have never made blogging anything other than a hobby, but when I read on Facebook Jeff’s retirement announcement, I was again interested to read what he had to say.

The agreeableness Mr. Goins has fits a way of composing books that is both unique and open. His books include The In-Between and his first book, in 2014, You are a Writer. The title of his first book reminds me of adventure books where the reader assumes the identity of someone else (here it would be… a writer).

Goins was a musician who worked in marketing, before he realized that he wanted to be a writer.

Photo by Matt Bango on StockSnap

Jeff Goins’ retirement helps make this post a fresh start for me. https://www.amazon.com/Jeff-Goins/e/B005BH1OB6%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share

Since 2012, the work I have done has been assisting with the upkeep on the grounds of a cemetery.  For years, my father, whose business it is to operate this cemetery, would bring around breakfast, a Cinnabon and coffee.  https://www.facebook.com/LouthUnited/

Photo by Richard Revel on StockSnap

Why Cleanliness’s are More Tempting than a Cinnabon

With autumn here I have opted to reflect on different kinds of cleanliness.  Seeing the world for its contrasts is a twisted conviction.  There are shades of dark in pretty much every circumstance.

Why would I think about cleanliness in the autumn time this year?  While usually it is spring when people turn their attention to cleaning, like the contrast of light and dark, autumn needs some cleaning off, too.

Likewise, many people choose cleanliness in some areas and not others.  Some people have a knack for cleanliness in most areas; some people have cleanliness in only a few (or even none).  I found, on insider.com, an article by a Zoë Ettinger, whom I suspect is very clean.

16 cleaning myths that are only making your home dirtier–Zoë Ettinger Mar 7, 2021

In case she were to at any point know about me, I am simply attempting to communicate her recommendations.


“Fade cleans, without question, everything.” Don’t let the dirt settle. That resembles life settled to pieces, just space-separated. If you sit in the dust, you become it.


“Quill dusters eliminate dust.” Let the quill remain, but don’t make it your only tool. My, you could add a candle.


“Paper gives the glass without a streak sparkle.” You can’t wipe an unstreaked sparkle on glass. Therefore, why not let the sparkle streak?


“Vinegar is a generally useful cleaner.” Vinegar is best for fish and chips, and not for cleaning the table.


“Hairspray can be utilized to eliminate ink stains.” Hairspray can make or break a good time! Ink will set unless you take measures to remove it.


A candle will melt if you leave it lit. Let the ink stain, perhaps, become found art.

Photo by Burst on StockSnap


“You should wash everything on cold.” To remove a stain, start with cold water.

Boiling water can set stains, like milk, egg, or blood. It cooks the protein. Boiling water works best on slick stains, like mayonnaise.


“Deodorizer helps clean the air,” an aroma. Lighting a candle would achieve the same end.


“String mops are the best approach.” If it is not too evident to say here, a string mop requires a bucket.


“You should finish wood regularly.” Finishes shield wooden surfaces and show up more.

Wood finish is not the same as painting, for painting subtly conceals a wooden surface while a finish completes it. Philosophical point.


“Vacuum, then, at that point, dust.” The vacuum will contaminate considerably more than you.


“You can wash your sheets like clockwork.” A more natural routine can deliver better results.


“Your dishwasher cleans itself.” Plain and simple, it doesn’t.


“Your clothes washer cleans itself.” It doesn’t.


“All green cleaning items are protected to utilize.” You need green cleaning as much as on all the other things you ensure.

From the standpoint of being a professional, in being green for your buyers and representatives, and also when creating your business’ impression, green cleaning is held to decrease contaminations. It doesn’t always cause the same medical issues brought about by non-green cleaning.


“Using more laundry detergent is always better.” An excess of cleanser will leave buildup.

You’re welcome to like the post, to follow, or to comment.

I am ending with the band Deerhunter’s video for their 2018 LP Why Hasn’t Everything Already Disappeared? That’s Bradford Cox singing, with very few close-ups in the presentation. Reputable indie rock. Enjoy World Candle Month.

The Hunger Games Guide to Holiday Shopping

Notable actor Donald Sutherland received one of Canada’s highest honors, I read the other day, on Facebook, in an article in The Atlantic. Sutherland has a role in The Hunger Games. That’s the adaptation of the Suzanne Collins novel, about older adolescents who become tributes to patriarchal figures, for the sake of honor.

“Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor.”

Josh and Manda’s son, Mack, though older, is still approximately the age of the tributes, in the film. While we know he is committed to being his own man, I have heard that Mack has taken an interest in theatre, playing stage roles. In his first few months of uni, I saw a video Mack helped do.

I would enjoy buying a Christmas present, for when he returns in late December, but it is tough to think what the boy could want, given that I haven’t seen him in many moons. Was it last year I got him a few issues of comics? Yeah, I got him Star Wars comics.

I could do that again. It would be fun. Younger than Mack is Clara, who I would also like to buy a gift, and at her young age of nine, it will be far easier to get Santa’s approval.

Manda, Clara and Mack

Last winter, I remember, I went to that one beautiful mall in town, to get her a children’s book. A book clerk, who was a pretty young lady, helped me decide which book would be right for my niece, of all the titles in the children’s section of the store. It would be nice to get a number once in a while, wouldn’t you know?

Cough. There is no real Hunger Games shopping guide, but a few remarks can be drawn from the possibility that you’ve read the novel, or you would like to read it. I haven’t myself, so I am in the dark, but I watched the first half of the film, on Netflix, between yesterday morning and today.

Mom’s picture of their backyard after the unusual November snowfall

I’m interested, particularly now because when the trailer for The Rise of Skywalker went up on YouTube, the channel Geeks + Gamers threw away an observation that The Rise of Skywalker looks like The Hunger Games. Geeks + Gamers has dismissed the new Star Wars trilogy completely, while still bringing attention to Star Wars news, often with a very sneeringly critical attitude, but I was interested to hear what Jeremy says about the Rise of Skywalker trailer.

By the way, fans of the films, again this year went out in search of toy purchases, for Force Friday, the shopping day. The original Force Friday event was held on September 4, 2015. Remembering my interest, in a YouTube video, I saw a couple of Star Wars guys find an all-night WalMart and go in to see what toys they wanted.

In the WalMart in the video I watched, the staffers hadn’t yet constructed the display for the new Star Wars toys, and when they began to dig out the boxes of toys, the dozen or so people who were at the WalMart, at midnight, for Force Friday, competed with some heat for the most desirable action figures.

It is to be noted that the games, in the story, in The Hunger Games are part of a competitive honor, and I am sure that the coolest Christmas gifts are sold first and make the best impressions when they are bestowed. I take it, while not having read the Suzanne Collins novels, that patriarchs select tributes for their ability with the range of a bow, and it implies they are wanted for their strength, and also for their beauty. I don’t want to spoil too much more.

I hope the next few weeks are splendid for you, and that you’ll be back to see that all’s well. You’re welcome to like, to follow, and/or to subscribe to.

We’ll see you again during this festive time of year.

Mermaid’s October 2018 WordPress Tea Party

Be the best Version of You

Charmingly, The Little Mermaid is an enduring animated Disney feature, but also a WordPress blogger who the last few months hosted “tea parties.”  Each month for the entire duration of the month a theme goes into play on her site which gets bloggers interacting with each other having had written along the same lines.  This month’s theme, October’s, is happiness.

I’ve joined the last couple of months, and this is my third go-round as a participant in the tea parties.  I decided today would be the day I would finish up my post for the challenge.

Join In The Fun! Join In The October 2018 Tea Party!

To Reach Personal Happiness

Be the best Version of You
Graffiti in local park

This may seem counterintuitive, but many lifestyles that were stigmatized in previous decades have experienced the joy of stigma lifting.

However, I experience depression, I guess–but I have lots of happy hours, too, so I don’t completely know what to think about that.

Although attitudes change, I know my father loathes the thought that I would speak of such a thing as depression.  In fact, that I publish something like this might bother him.  That being said, I am trying to be honest with some enthusiasm about a delicate subject of conversation.

It bothers many people.  Troubles of that kind can strike virtually anyone.  I would suspect it conceals innate unhappiness and is often a response to external troubles.

I don’t perceive there is a terrible stigma around depression.  However, it is not the best idea to make small talk about the problem.  Complaining rarely works much of a beneficial result.

Channeling your energy into a positive outlet can be the experience that reverses the more difficult symptoms of a common malaise, depression.  Everyone knows that happiness is much preferable.

As I explained, The Little Mermaid is an established blogger who this month thought the theme of happiness would fit her tea party series.  Her posts invite networking for the love of blogging.  Happiness, I think, for me, is satisfaction.

I believe people ought to be happy.  That’s what I reflect upon when I’m thinking of such a matter.

Dimensions: 2304 x 3456
Photographer: Javier Molina

Happiness is a mellow joy, I would extrapolate.  The decisions opted in the course of one’s day help the individual experience what’s happy for that individual.  Youtuber Jenna Marbles has thought about it.  My Dogs Try On Halloween Costumes

A guilty pleasure.

I might think of happiness being connected to straight-up artistic endeavors.  There are numerous hobbies that spark happiness, like loyalty to a pastime, such as to baseball, to hockey, or to the NFL.

Friends and family are other enriching aspects of happiness.  Sometimes, though, you have to sit on the sidelines, waiting for another opportunity to step up to bat.

In this hemisphere, we’ve seen the summer come and go again and now, where I live that is, the temperatures will get colder and colder.  We have Halloween to look forward to, which for a lot of people is literally a “scream”.  I suppose that’s a pun.

Wednesday this week I asked how winter time is for a volunteer where I work.  He told me in turn how little pleasure he gets from the severity of the winter season.  I said a little to try to cheer him up, but his feelings about the season were steadfastly downbeat.

It helps, I would venture to say, that if you can narrow down your interests to just a few to focus on, I believe, you may get a better outcome.  That way, you are more invested emotionally in what you pursue.  Therefore the rewards spent in delving into your passions are rewards that you have generated in your life and reflect sincerity.

I was inspired in this by successful capitalist Warren Buffett.  Warren Buffett – The World’s Greatest Money Maker


Dimensions: 5760 x 3840
Photographer: Raymond Sam

You don’t necessarily want to just trade your time for money, which is a basic approach to your work that might not be completely serving you best.  I realize you probably have the responsibilities of being part of a family that necessitates and requires you to work at making some kind of living.  It is just that if you can do something radical and retain everything you need, and I know that’s not easy, but if you can, I believe it is more fulfilling than if you don’t.

You shouldn’t look back at what you have accomplished and feel there is nothing more you should do.  You need to keep growing every year of your life, I believe.

I write this blog because written content continues to have value in 2018.  So does video content and audio, as you probably know, probably more so.  I wish I had more opportunities to expand what I can do where content is concerned that is assembled myself and published.

Blogging’s one of my favorite hobbies.  My efforts are almost entirely done for free and yet I don’t wish to cease them.

I wish I had clearer intentions about what I am doing.  Maybe I can explore how to get to a more promising level of achievement without sacrificing the parts of the tasks that I enjoy the most.

One last thing:  I was speaking to a young man and admired his research ability for searching the Internet.  He told me he was sure it seemed special to me but he clarified in that conversation this month that everyone similar to him, his age, is equal to him in terms of the ability he has to research.  I suppose that is true, but I hadn’t been aware of that.

I think one of my draws is that I can do research, but perhaps I need to stop and think that my niece in Grade 3 may now be similarly competent at doing research to my own ability.  It’s incredible.

While the preceding example is an exaggeration, I remember that when I wanted a sales job years and years ago, I was asked to take a pen-and-paper test to demonstrate my competence as a computer user.  Given my weak results writing the test paper, the office showed me the door.  I didn’t get the job because I couldn’t prove that day, all that time ago, that I was adept with a computer.

I may not have been much good then, but I hope that by now, much later in life, I am better outfitted to better qualify for any kind of work that needs me to prove I am tech-savvy.

By the way, this month, October, is Inktober.  I don’t have tattoos, but an interesting interpretation is to apply the month’s emphasis on “ink” to how it applies to old-school tabletop roleplaying.  An ink-drawn map is often part of a tabletop RPG.


D&D game in a window display

The game I am most interested in is Pathfinder, so occasionally this month I am returning to Pathfinder game materials to read rules of the game with the idea in mind that the game is usually played with ink-drawn maps.  I’ve never played the game properly, but even reading some of the rules sometimes helps put me in a state of mind I enjoy.


Thank you for visiting my post.  Of course, you’re welcome to “like,” comment, and/or “follow.”