Twitter Refreshing How the Platform Looks and Making It Easier

I struggled to find satisfaction in a post I wrote June 15, 2017, although by now I’m better at the task, I feel.

The WordPress Daily Prompt for that day was the word “Total,” and what for me was the “total” mind-blowing news was that Twitter was undertaking a major step on route to what a lot of Twitter users hoped would mean success for the social media platform. That sounds dramatic, but Twitter did become visibly different. As German social media and blogging expert Susanna Gebauer reported again, on February 28, 2018, it could have meant the end of Twitter, or instead improved chances of success as a social media platform. (Last updated: 2019/11/26) In short, I wonder will it turn out like Myspace, or Yahoo!, or will it keep its status as an enjoyable user service.

I am obviously on Twitter and I enjoy it. Look here:

What’s more, I am sharing links both to an article which explains the change which happened, and also to Susanna’s post which explains where Twitter was coming from with the change, on the twenty-third of March, to restrict Twitter users with several accounts from automating the same tweet more than once.

I myself slowed down on how I was tweeting by dramatically slowing down how often I would twee.  It would be a gigantic bummer if Twitter failed, and I continue to hope Twitter stays alive and well.

Eneida Nieves

If you’re not on Twitter, maybe you should consider joining. It can be a lot of fun. I am curating this post to improve its accuracy, to provide Susanna Gebauer’s February 28 blog post, and because if you do find this note relevant, you’re welcome to, “like,” “follow,” and/or “comment” this blog post.

Thank you for noticing, and all the best to you in your personal life, and in business.

Source: Twitter’s Fight Against Spam, Bots and Bulk Tweeting – And Why You Need To Know About It


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