Regulating AI Requires AI’s Own Help to Write Comprehensive Safeguard Legislation

What can be done for people on Planet Earth, considering AI’s usefulness? Both the US and Canada are contentious about TikTok. As far as I am aware, TikTok’s terms and conditions require that AI be made apparent.

In my opinion, TikTok isn’t that harmful, but AI is a whole different story. The possibility that AI may one day possess intelligence requires a consideration that AI may require rights protection in the future.

For me, it is very difficult not to suspect that AI will undermine trust in many of our institutions.

Deepfake video is commonly employed to make creepy speech seem from the mouths of famed narrators.

With Paul McCartney’s recent reworking of an unfinished John Lennon song, completed with AI, and released in the name of The Beatles, music and talk radio are at risk from AI intrusion.

McCartney’s embrace of AI to render a partial recording whole surely will add weight to similar efforts to improve partial found recordings.

The news services that might be useful to governments are weaponized, and not by seizing upon them to advance political doctrine. This is the opposite in Canada.

In this nation, as anywhere AI can quite literally turn the news into fake news and waste time and resources by tying up people’s attention spans. It is now possible for AI to contribute to fake news.

In Canada, access to free news is now revoked. Facebook and Google aren’t playing ball; they’ve both decided that Canada is not a market worth the effort it would take to affect a Canadian decision. This would be worth the money spent.

AI’s heart, presumably, in its native territory, will likely now be regulated so that AI is controlled, and remains under control. This is without realizing the sentience it currently resembles, not wielding.

Bishop Garrison of the NSA wrote, on January 11, 2023, an article addressing what must be done to protect America, and its allies, from any kind of out-of-control AI nuisance. We seem to favor a subdued approach to what is an Earth-shattering development, and there may be enemies who can create higher-grade AI than is in our hands that can do more harm while putting its originators away from harm, or at least in the way of pushback and demand for change from its creation.

What will it take to ensure that AI remains within human control? U.S. senators likely ask this question.

In an interview with a chat app, mostly conceived by AI, ironically, if the senators are like me, when presented with AI, see even contemporary AI that can evaluate the world as we understand it with a stellar success rate. It is an incredible achievement.

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Cogito, ergo sum, (Latin: “I think, therefore I am”) dictum coined by mathematician and philosopher René Descartes in his Discourse on Method (1637). Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting One’s Reason and of Seeking Truth in the Sciences is a philosophical and autobiographical treatise published by René Descartes in 1637. René Descartes was a French philosopher, scientist, and mathematician, widely considered a seminal figure in the emergence of modern philosophy and science.

· “ChatGPT is a powerful language model that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with and utilize artificial intelligence in our daily lives. Its ability to generate human-like text allows it to assist with a wide range of tasks that involve language processing, making it a valuable tool for businesses, researchers, and individuals alike.” ~ChatGPT when asked to quote itself.