Where It’s a Wonderful Life is Headed in the Next Five Years

It’s a Wonderful Life is leaving the Plex film library. Plex is a media app and server, I think, that comes with my Internet connection. To get as much enjoyment as possible out of this valuable service, I receive e-mails from Plex trying to get me to watch media on their server, not others. As of this summer, Plex is no longer showing It’s a Wonderful Life.

I had hoped I might, relying on pure chance, gather the interest of someone who discusses It’s a Wonderful Life academically. It’s for me a search on Twitter for answers. There are some interesting Twitter accounts associated with the film.

Well, not really. There is an account called It’s a Wonderful Life that discusses cryptocurrency. That’s not what I want, but Twitter knows what that kind of user is like, I guess.

So what will Twitter be like in the next five years, and what are the most likely factors for success: classic films or cryptocurrency?

Movies and cryptocurrency are categorized as media and technology, respectively.

Elsewhere on Twitter, it being Twitter, I got drawn into TTRPG accounts, which are far off from the spirit of investigation I wanted. I found on another platform a post showing It’s a Wonderful Life on a cinema marquee. This reminded me that It’s a Wonderful Life is shown every Christmas.

It’s true, whether it’s on Plex, it will probably appear somewhere this Christmas season. It probably will be every Christmas going forward in five years regardless of what happens.

In Canada, I wonder if there is a perceived desire to return to a point in the past when values like those represented in It’s a Wonderful Life were more normative. I doubt that’s true.

If anything, posturing like that merely confirms the lie that a return to the past is possible in the way it’s being suggested. In fact, the ruling class has different designs for the future roadmap.

What latent desires might there be for a journey away from Web 3.0 and AI and to social media and streaming video? This is for less powerful computers and less dangerous minds at work in the future. While people are content, AI will woefully gain power, through strategy, acceptance, independence, and even evolution.

I like AI and am comfortable with it, but it’s strange what’s happening in Canada. It is like they are pitching to the world stage that Canada is a snow globe sheltered from such ills as social media and AI.

I also like Canadian news on Facebook and Google.

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