Where It’s a Wonderful Life is Headed in the Next Five Years

It’s a Wonderful Life is leaving the Plex film library. Plex is a media app and server, I think, that comes with my Internet connection. To get as much enjoyment as possible out of this valuable service, I receive e-mails from Plex trying to get me to watch media on their server, not others. As of this summer, Plex is no longer showing It’s a Wonderful Life.

I had hoped I might, relying on pure chance, gather the interest of someone who discusses It’s a Wonderful Life academically. It’s for me a search on Twitter for answers. There are some interesting Twitter accounts associated with the film.

Well, not really. There is an account called It’s a Wonderful Life that discusses cryptocurrency. That’s not what I want, but Twitter knows what that kind of user is like, I guess.

So what will Twitter be like in the next five years, and what are the most likely factors for success: classic films or cryptocurrency?

Movies and cryptocurrency are categorized as media and technology, respectively.

Elsewhere on Twitter, it being Twitter, I got drawn into TTRPG accounts, which are far off from the spirit of investigation I wanted. I found on another platform a post showing It’s a Wonderful Life on a cinema marquee. This reminded me that It’s a Wonderful Life is shown every Christmas.

It’s true, whether it’s on Plex, it will probably appear somewhere this Christmas season. It probably will be every Christmas going forward in five years regardless of what happens.

In Canada, I wonder if there is a perceived desire to return to a point in the past when values like those represented in It’s a Wonderful Life were more normative. I doubt that’s true.

If anything, posturing like that merely confirms the lie that a return to the past is possible in the way it’s being suggested. In fact, the ruling class has different designs for the future roadmap.

What latent desires might there be for a journey away from Web 3.0 and AI and to social media and streaming video? This is for less powerful computers and less dangerous minds at work in the future. While people are content, AI will woefully gain power, through strategy, acceptance, independence, and even evolution.

I like AI and am comfortable with it, but it’s strange what’s happening in Canada. It is like they are pitching to the world stage that Canada is a snow globe sheltered from such ills as social media and AI.

I also like Canadian news on Facebook and Google.

What Wikipedia Can’t Tell You About Facebook News

Do you read the news? I would say I’m sure everyone does.

Do you visit Wikipedia? How about Google News?

It might not have the same authority as Google, which was the leading search engine at one time. However, Google News is a tried-and-true offshoot website that provides news headlines for any search you desire and helps you get to that news.

I like it. When I want to find a specific news item, I use Google News. Google searches are easy, it is readable, and it contains legitimate news.

While Wikipedia is a user-submitted encyclopedia, it does not provide real-time news coverage.

Historical news events have Wikipedia pages written about them by users who understand the news. It’s not as useful as Google News or social media, however.

For example, Wikipedia is useful for finding out which tracks on an album have been released as singles. Sometimes I use Wikipedia for getting biographical information. As I’m a blogger with a personal blog, I sometimes research a blog post with Wikipedia.

If the information I need is something as grand as understanding an ideology, Wikipedia might be the site to visit.

All that said and done, another source of news on the Internet is Facebook. Facebook is full of news.

It isn’t all good. A lot of it is misinformation, some of it is political misinformation, and a lot of it has various kinds of shortcomings to it.

Now that Bill C-18 has nearly passed, Meta likely has only six months to stop providing news on Facebook.

Bill C-18 says journalists should be paid to provide news. To make that work, it effectively means that Facebook users will not be able to share news on Facebook, I should think.

More probably, Facebook will not be able to ink deals with news distributors for users inside Canada. I have a feeling, as with Bill C-11, that at the level of using Facebook, users will still be free to share news items.

It sounds like it could be a return to insisting that Facebook users contain their interests to keep up with family and friends. However, it also means Facebook’s popularity will likely continue to decline in Canada.

Thanks to CEO Zuckerberg’s previous intrigue with his metaverse ideas, Facebook lost enormous sums of money. This proved Zuckerberg to be losing his Midas touch.

Zuckerberg won’t play ball; he insists that Facebook will no longer distribute news.

On a feature of Facebook called the “news feed.” It is not very pleasant.

Zuckerberg has demonstrated with his bizarre pursuit of the metaverse that, billionaire or not, he can be wrong. Even Mark Zuckerberg appears in The Social Network, the wonderful film directed by David Fincher tells Facebook’s beginnings.

Zuckerberg is not too reasonable on his path to success. I sometimes claim that it is the defining movie of this century to date.

My dad runs a small business in his golden years, and I am the social media manager for his company.

Of course, I include news content for his business on Facebook. Louth United Church and Maple Lawn Cemetery

Now it seems I am going to have to utilize a different strategy if my father keeps me aboard in my role as social media manager.

I can see that I will likely have to watch that I am not straight-up sharing news on Facebook.

I can start by brainstorming different content searches I am interested in conducting.

My dad just said, well, we’ll have to see what happens. I didn’t expect him to have more to say than that. Maybe the bill will yet fail.

Would Martha Stewart have this problem?

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How One Topic Expanded My Knowledge: What I Learned Recently #bloganuary

Bloganuary is a series of WordPress blogging prompts, one for each day of January. Today I am writing on the subject of something I learned recently.

Brittanica updated this article on the fifth of this month.

In 1989 a flood of fights contrary to socialist rule ejected in eastern Europe.

This episode set off the Velvet Upset, which acquired specific strength in the country’s modern places. Under the improvised authority of Václav Havel, a dissenter playwright and coauthor of Sanction 77 (1977), the City Gathering organized shows and strikes that demanded that public authorities acknowledge the common liberties outlined in the Helsinki Accords of 1975.

Czech playwright and dissident dramatist Dr Vaclav Havel (later President of Czech Republic) at a bus stop in London, June 19, 1968.

Havel was chosen for the post of interim president on December 29, 1989, and he was reappointed to the administration in July 1990. He became the country’s most memorable non-communist leader after 1948.

That kind of dissent is impressive if you learn about it in a light that it reflects positively on values you already celebrate.

What I learned further about freedom is something far more distressing, and it is only in that I think of ambition that the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, could make known to people far and wide that the site Twitter held hopes for free speech to flourish.

Musk then paid $44 billion for it.

FILE PHOTO: Elon Musk’s Twitter profile is seen on a smartphone placed on printed Twitter logos in this picture illustration taken April 28, 2022. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration

According to estimates, Musk lost $200 billion when the trust he built with the shareholders of Tesla Corporation and the value of Twitter stock tumbled together. As Musk eventually proved he was not the brilliant innovator he was initially thought to be, his stock soared when Musk made the acquisition and then began to fall.

Initially, Musk seemed to be having a midlife crisis because he acted with such disregard for convention and good sense. As Musk’s political views changed, he ceased to advocate free speech but was apparently trapped in a right-wing quagmire, in which he demonstrated the need for extreme measures in doing business as a social media company, including firing most of its employees and adjusting the system quickly in response to the extensive losses he was suffering.

Musk was acting as a boss would, trying to make a service profitable. As time passed, Musk’s claim that Twitter would usher in a renaissance era of free speech seemed increasingly shallow. Nothing of the kind emerged in the wake of Musk’s bizarre tactics to make Twitter profitable.

Despite being discussed quite a bit already, I am not surprised that there were so many impersonators flooding Twitter with tweets that were nearly as convincing as real companies with a presence on Twitter actually held with the social media company when for the first few hours your account could be verified with a checkmark for a few dollars. Although Musk may have believed that he was acting in the name of free speech at that time, the fact that free speech lends itself to parody taught me a great deal about human nature.

When I thought of the free speech conundrum, I thought of the Velvet Revolution, I thought of 1984, I thought of Apocalypse Now, but here was near-incontrovertible proof that free speech is not a simple temperament.

Free speech is likely regarded among many with such cynicism that an effort to grant it, to create liberty, is met with glee, low moral standing, and even evil. Musk may not have intended it, but I believe he is aware that this is the result of the right to free speech. This right must be carefully considered and guarded.

The Benefits of Writing: Why I Do It and Why You Should Too #bloganuary

What is the greatest gift someone could give you?

My twelfth-grade teacher once told me that she wished she could write like me.

She was one of the teachers who taught me about Macbeth. That play resonated with me. A Roman Polanski film adaptation was a significant success.

It is said to be bad luck. You shouldn’t speak about the title. I don’t know, then, why the curriculum emphasized it.

She was also one of the teachers who taught me poetry. All five of my high school English teachers taught me a little about poetry. That was another emphasis in my high school curriculum.

I received an award from my high school English department when I graduated. I was among the best English student of the year 1996’s grads from my high school.

I’ve never read much poetry.

I suppose it’s a shame. On Twitter, for years and years, though, I’ve followed an account that presents stanzas by Emily Dickenson. I often read them aloud when I see them.

It’s not all the time, but sometimes, when something hurts badly, and I think about what might have been, I cry about it. I know it would upset my mother.

She gets sad, too, if she thinks about it. Her mother made fun of crybabies. It is not a real masculine trait.

However, I think tears are valuable signs of passion from within. My writing would be better if I had been better trained, but even without that, I’m fortunate I can do so much. Long-form is usually my favorite.

With social media, you can present a blog at a very low cost. I’ve been blogging for the order of twenty years now.

Writing well has become easier with artificial intelligence. There is a video out there showing Twitter’s CEO claiming artificial intelligence is dangerous. The power that affords dissidents is alarming to me.

It is a powerful opportunity. It is likely that the next few years will be extremely crucial in the history of the world. The entirety of civilization may change!

It was Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World that most educated me when I was in high school. I was warned by Brave New World, as young YouTubers put it. In the shortest manner possible, it highlights the humanizing process of John the Savage.

The present impact of artificial intelligence on social media creators is directing people away from humanity. The monster in me hears a calling to become artificial intelligence. More realistically, it is just too big an opportunity to ignore.

When I think of myself as a writer, I don’t conceive of social media made by artificial intelligence as either writing or artwork. Do not think of imagery generated by artificial intelligence as art. It is almost gleeful for me to create with artificial intelligence and feel that I am moving away from my passions.

I don’t want to “spoil” Brave New World here, but I relate its dystopian themes to my use of artificial intelligence. If I were in school again, I would work to learn more about media literacy.

The informed use of social media, I believe, benefits from areas of knowledge in media literacy. In that area, I think I could benefit from training, but I am no longer so young.

Setting and Achieving Your Goals This Year #bloganuary

This year, I want to make sure that I can be part of the conversation at Twitter. It has become much more than a passing trend in recent years and is the platform of choice for many younger generations who finally–for better or worse– got their own voice on the internet. With all its ups and downs it still gives people so much freedom to express themselves, discover new things around them, and perhaps give something back as well with meaningful conversations. Let’s see how far I get

During Bloganuary, bloggers who blog about their private lives write about a topic-oriented writing prompt every day in January. Today’s prompt is: What is something you want to achieve this year? I am tackling that this way.

For 2023 I want to try to keep a hand in Twitter, given a lot of the attention, it’s got among social media platforms (and I’d say it is my favorite social media platform) about how it will do this year. It is the kind of platform that appeals to people from my generation, who never had a voice of their own until Twitter arrived and they became “very online,” which sparked the Twitterverse, a kind of “cult-like” zeal for microblogging that resulted in a lot of weird communications.

As far as I’m concerned, it wasn’t restricted to my generation, it doesn’t seem too weird to me, and Twitter gets a lot of hate (ironic considering it is often accused of being a platform for spreading hate speech, which is terrible, to begin with). Those with extremist views are usually targeted because they are unlikely to appear in the “real world,” the world beyond Twitter if they were not on Twitter.

On Twitter, I rarely see hate speech, and I would be offended if I did. There is a lot of negativity on Twitter, I agree, which does pose challenges to people’s mental health (and overall stability, I suppose), but a lot of that is in the form of sarcastic humor not all that different than the poor taste of ghastly writing that marked a lot of the best of the golden age of television, which also appeals, I suspect, to lots of people of my generation, but not at all entirely, and which isn’t the voice of the individual that Twitter lends itself to letting people feel they have (and which is obtainable). This one corner of the Internet offers the opportunity for the formerly unrepresented to move from silence to membership in a group of like-minded people, and while it has changed greatly since it first became a topic in mainstream media, no one has yet been able to totally negate it.

I’ll never feel I wasted time doing it because it was a lot of fun. It’s no longer as cool as when it resembled its original design, but products change, and with the bottom line that’s said to be facing Twitter, if it does have a chance of surviving say until the end of the year 2023, it will probably be accompanied by an upswing in popularity, which some say is happening, and which I sincerely believe is happening far more than those who believe it doesn’t.

I’ve seen it declared dead before. Despite my displeasure, I’m confident it’ll be more eventful than usual, given the excitement about it. It reminds me, as I mentioned above, of those days when it was discussed in the mainstream media.

Good luck if it’s your favorite one, too. Could well be a few highlights left to enjoy.

SEO for Small Business Owners in the Digital Age – Part II of III on Local SEO

Keep introductions straightforward. Assuming you take a stab at composing a presentation for a title that as of now has one, you are likely best to allude to what’s as of now been laid out about that title.

  1. Understand what a publicist does

A publicist generates and manages publicity for companies, brands, or personalities – such as celebrities – as well as for their work, such as books, films, or albums. This can entail a website, often, that is your client’s publicity and work that they contract you to manage. A celebrity would have tremendous reach on social media, typically.

If your clients include celebrities, that’s fabulous! That would mean real squirrel.

  1. How to manage your PR

a) Social media is a great way to connect with other thought leaders

A person whose views are considered authoritative and influential on a given topic.

People who do the same as you are a good bet to try to network with. If you are respectful and confident, it is possible that another thought leader with greater reach could help you extend the reach you have yourself.

b) Create your content and share it with relevant hashtags

? Google Alerts: My go-to service. I don’t believe that I’m required to be a brand, but many users feel that way. Google Alerts are invaluable to me for discovering how brands that matter to me are discussed with references back to Google

c) Respond to timely topics in the news

Many YouTubers, as I’ve observed, create videos based on news stories in their niche that people are talking about. I imagine the same is true on other platforms. If you can do good work in the short time following a timely news story, you may get further ahead than you thought.

d) Consider using free trials of content marketing and social media tools

I did this by starting with DrumUp six or seven years ago. DrumUp finds trending web pages based on keywords you provide. It’s been exciting to feel that I can be a voice on Twitter and Facebook.

e) Your brand’s social media strategy depends on the platform you choose

For example, how you use hashtags is much different on Facebook than it is on TikTok. This is a major theme to cover- – you will need to practice.

Sometimes only two or three platforms for social media are enough for a business. You can do more with less.

f) Social media is tremendous

You know that of course, it is. I worry about the future of it, but I want everything to work out.

g) Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the most popular digital analytics software. It is Google’s free web analytics service, that allows you to analyze in-depth detail, about the visitors to your website. It provides valuable insights that can help you to shape the success strategy of your business.

Despite not having the kinds of responsibilities before me that would require Google Analytics, I may have to work on learning how to use it.

  1. Why you need content promotion strategies

Your engagement is significant in that people should be responding affirmatively to your content. You should build a mailing list of people you can reach by email, even if you ignore this advice. If you have a product for sale, like an ebook, for a small price, you can make a bit of money if you advertise your ebook to your audience with a mailing list.

  1. Get your audience to do the promoting for you

Empowering perusers to share is extraordinary.

  1. Drive traffic to your website by providing quality content and by being an active commentator on blogs, social media sites, and forums where your target market hangs out

There is another piece of this article to go. AI played a major role in generating this article.

Photo by Matt Bango on StockSnap

Free Speech and Hate Speech #WordPrompt

I had a pleasant Easter. By the way, a great thing is that the WordPress blogger Beauty Beyond Bones announced on Twitter her engagement to her man. You can find her blog here:


Now, for a blog post, I thought this up with StoryLab.ai, an AI service that can assist with a blog story post…

Having the right to free speech is not a privilege. There will always be repercussions when people express their opinions. The truth is that watching in silence while others voice their opinions will also have repercussions.

The effectiveness of Twitter as the town square is that, although everyone with an Internet connection can contribute, Twitter, while I enjoy participating, tends to highlight the voices of only a few. The collective voices on Twitter tend to belong to those on the left.

Who Invented Twitter?

These voices often belong to writers, politicians, actors, artists, and musicians, but they can also be anyone imaginable. Years ago, I felt I was doing great having a modest Twitter account, and I’ve seldom felt like giving it up.

Good information flies on Twitter. However, Twitter is criticized for its lax approach, disturbing content that litters some users’ accounts, and for its algorithm’s ability to bury tweets that would be favourable for the right. The situation is complicated, but here are some thoughts about it.

  1. The Debate

Elon Musk, who founded Tesla and SpaceX, believes that, for the future, Twitter needs to be a town square where all speech should be permitted. Twitter needs a lot of change before that can happen, according to Musk. At present, Twitter has a reputation for favouring tweets from leftist-leaning microbloggers, amplifying those voices, while restricting voices who are right-leaning.

This is probably because many Twitter employees are liberal-leaning. There is a suspicion that Twitter has a bias towards tweets from a leftist perspective built into its algorithm. The best example is that Twitter was the first social media platform to issue a permanent ban against Trump, who was formerly an advocate for Twitter, before the charge of insurrection came up following the riot at Capitol Hill when Trump added fuel to the fire.

The Sun
What is Capitol Hill and where is it?

Elon Musk, one of the biggest shareholders now at Twitter, wants to make changes to help free speech flourish on Twitter. In reality, he may hurt the value of the Twitter stock if he decides to take the position that Twitter is a poor investment, and he goes on to sell his majority share. In other words, he is pressuring Twitter to buy it.

  1. Hate Speech

Many people charge Twitter with being nasty. Hateful messages are often started on Twitter, before being carried over to rival social media platforms, such as Gettr and Parler. Using computers, people can tweet a liturgy of extreme positions that can include attacks on people who are different from them, as well as criticism and a culture that seeks to convince people that a particular view is correct.

The idea of tweets like these makes them hard to direct because there are lots of them, and the guidelines for discourse ought to, in an optimal world, be material in all cases, not only for tweets calling for savagery and other outrageous positions.

  1. Free Speech

Free speech refers to the right to form opinions and express ideas without interference. Remember George Orwell’s famous book, 1984, looking at a communist society where free speech has been abolished. Even in 2022, there are a tremendous number of controls leveled at speakers on social media, because the twenty-first century is the first time in history that we have had social media.


We are still seeing social’s power over people, and some seek some common ground to keep it fair, but you are not prevented from speaking your mind. Sounds great, right? It is muddled, be that as it may.

Elon Musk believes free speech is for the best, but some thinkers believe that out-of-control social media poses a threat to democracy, rather than lending it insight. For example, widespread lies about a specific subject could weigh a majority down, giving them disinformation they believe to be accurate. Disinformation is a problem where opinions that have little or no merit seem normal and commonplace.

According to those who accuse social media platforms of disinformation, there are “correct” perspectives to take, which cannot be associated with disinformation. I don’t think this is so, as people have a right to support falsehoods if those are significant to them. On Twitter people argue back and forth.

As long as a substantial number of people believe in a lie, it is good to treat it as a potential truth. That is why people debate. While most people accept, for example, that the Earth is round, there are to this day flat-earthers.

We have seen Earth from the vantage point of space; we know it is round. To flat-earthers, those space voyages are fake, and the Earth is as flat as it was believed to be in ancient times. That said, perhaps there are unrecognized realities where a flat Earth exists that we are unaware of.

There is the possibility that the Earth may at times be flat from other perspectives; why shouldn’t this be conceived of as a possibility?

There is no doubt that there is disinformation on social media, including on Twitter. How much damage can disinformation potentially do?

  1. Hate speech is harmful and must be fought against

If we let hate run wild on social media, hate will not take much for its flames to fan. I am begging the question, but if you give the haters an inch, they are going to take a mile. A herd mentality is in evidence in social media, which means that there could soon be additional subsets of the world population with hate in their head.

In 2022, on Twitter, as hate speech became more and more part of ordinary life, there have been attempts to stem the tide, like banning hatemongers, and reducing visibility, via the algorithm, of tweets that have the flavour of hate. When I was young, I was all about free speech until I got confused in college. Suddenly, I didn’t feel so smart.

I didn’t know as much as I thought I knew. A responsibility to the truth is difficult. There are so many bad people in a world that many would like to view as “good.”

We should not be separated by hateful ideologies when everyone should be able to live a decent life regardless of race, gender, income, etc. Hate has, at times, been such a horror that it is difficult to relate to it in any capacity. Victims of hate, like people who are bullied on the Internet in a way that erodes their mental health, need protections that a decision like opening Twitter to additional free speech may not afford them.

The Internet, as it’s understood, as on Twitter, will continue to be a jungle, a dangerous place. The right to free speech is a good idea, but the way the issue will be handled concerns me.

  1. Why Free Speech is Sexy

Sexy Tech

Tech changes so fast that there is a perception that we are making change by aligning ourselves with like-minded people on social media. Users without the same level of a network, watch out. According to these beliefs, we similarly interpret our reality.

We often fight to keep our values at the forefront of many conversations. Twitter debates are often dominated by one side. The perception of Twitter is often that it is a town square.

It appears that the voices we hear on social media, as I have read on the weekend on Big Think, usually belong to only ten percent of users overall.

10% of people are dominating social media. What if the other 90% spoke up? – Big Think


This is an echo chamber. Those ten percent are the loudest, and deafen opposing points of view. In disputes between the right and the left, the Twitter algorithm favours the standpoint of the left.

VOX – Pol

That sounds like one smart algorithm, but it is sophisticated enough to understand the idea of the topic. Twitter may act differently if Musk purchases it, and rebrands Twitter in possibly undecided ways. That is why the drama with Musk and Twitter is so compelling.

With Twitter, they gave us something that we could access we didn’t have previously. This month’s word prompt is the word green. I started the year 2022 doing a daily blogging exercise called bloganuary, where, for as many days as I could in the month of January, I posted according to bloganuary prompts.

Presently, posts from the WordPress Tavern blog incorporate a month-to-month word brief. By the way, my Twitter handle is https://twitter.com/findingenvirons

Privacy is not explicitly spelled out in the Constitution as freedom of speech is in the First Amendment. Larry Flynt

Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/freedom-of-speech-quotes

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/findingenvirons

Write about what motivates you. #bloganuary

Since I understand that social media is the reality for most of the first world, I am reasonably immersed in social media. My favourite YouTubers, whether they’re creating content specifically for YouTube or bands who are bringing out new material or old material from the old days when people like that did something fantastic, make me feel strong. The love for tech is naively formed, perhaps, but keeping in mind that the biggest firms, like Meta and Alphabet, would like your data, if not every single tech company, watching favourite creators become YouTube stars makes me feel strong most of the time.

I feel strong when a savvy TikTokker post turns out to be a great video, scored with some piece of music I’ve often enjoyed.

I feel solid when a companion or relative accomplishes something advantageous, since I like great choices, and not terrible. I can be a useful individual.

I feel strong when nations and their people stand together. Although I usually feel as though I am the spy in the back of the meeting of revolutionaries, heading for the gallows if I am caught redhanded for my true allegiance, I do enjoy when people with a common background come together. That can make for an extremely strong encounter.

A smart piece of writing, or other great content, makes me feel strong. It feels good to share trending web pages to Twitter and Facebook when I think they can provide food for thought. I feel strongly about posting on the Maple Lawn Facebook page for my father’s business.

Hi, it’s Patrick, Maple Lawn Cemetery’s Facebook page operator.

Wednesday‎, ‎January‎ ‎19‎, ‎2022 12:06 PM

I feel strong being with my girlfriend when she is happy with me. A relationship like our own strength is the main strength I have, considering that life is not a practice run. I would rather not hazard losing her warmth and care.

Taking part in a blogging challenge like WordPress’ bloganuary makes me feel strong 🙂

What the World Would Be Like If Fringe Opinions Didn’t Exist, Part II

The beginning of the month of June 2021 brought with it the following:

Trump Shuts Down ‘Social Media’ a.k.a. WordPress Blog Due to Lack of Readers

Isaiah Richard, Tech Times


What does reinvention mean?


1: to make as if for the first time something already invented and reinvents the wheel

2: to remake or redo completely

3: to bring into use again

Reinvention, in the year 2021, is one way people could move out of their present circumstances. It is no mystery that the future will not be the same as was intended.

Just surviving has become like a triumph, and love may prove the order of the day.

A worldwide perception of a second chance come is rare, and the future is unwritten; here is an age of miracles.

Governance could at this time be set free by Big Tech, or it could be screwed down like a bench at a bus stop intended not to be stolen.

In Canada, it is debated whether Canadian entertainment on the Internet could get paid, with Bill C-10 ready to put Canadian content front and centre on sites where it is not now automatically top-tier content, if you don’t wish a Canadian flavour every time you want a user video recommendation. Nor should Canadian viewer recommendations get like the offerings of AI bots behind walls at HQ, or further like that.

Bill C-10 faces backward and will embarrass Canada on the world stage https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/commentary/article-bill-c-10-faces-backward-and-will-embarrass-canada-on-the-world-stage/

Take the case of Canadian comedian and broadcaster Tom Green, who has lately been highlighting his YouTube channel with a vlog showcasing a drive he did from LA to Ottawa. It is a singular vlog.

Tom Green’s Van Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX-cvZ4accQ

Watching Green offer reflections alone in the US desert, about the planet getting back to to a pre-pandemic normal, Green, whom in Road Trip directed by Ghostbusters director Ivan Reitman raised the point of how adaptation, not the adaptation of literature, but the endeavours you want for yourself to succeed in the face of unknown days. You start confidently and your handle on what we are facing will strengthen your resolve.

Goodness, excited about the future opening up for us, if it is not ultimately restricted by forces that we neither foresee coming nor welcome.

There must sometimes be a natural intelligent design for learning–that there could never be would be a very remote possibility. Intelligent design occurs frequently enough that I can not be discouraged from believing what we have is merely a happy accident.

what the world would be like if fringe opinions didn’t exist

I sometimes wish that, when I once considered affording myself some of the opportunities youth brings, I could have opted for hard work, in light of the big picture. Opportunities most frequently available are now changing, while content, as Bill Gates said, could well remain king.

Recently, last year and this year, my posts, each to a recollected song, under the nominal tutelage of Jim Adams, were rejected, when Adams decided he no longer welcomed my participation. That is fine, as my reflections helped me get better organized, and of my several posts for Song Lyric Sunday, most of them were useful in their own right.

Beginning again the last few weeks, with a new temperament, how now in the days of yesteryear, when I came up with observations that grew from insights that author Jeff Goins introduced, bestselling author of The Art of Work.

Without a proper book, or even trying to write a proper book, I might be accused of taking in a blog of this shape and style, mine, without effective long-time goals.

But The Art of Work is the bestseller about people who carved out singular paths for themselves, and it’s a wonderful book.

If this does not work, then, let this be Finding Courtesies in Handfuls of Garden Flowers.

Photo by 50Fish on StockSnap

I could briefly only think of Mr. Adams browsing my blog site and cringing. Or Goins. Nothing doing, I have a nice little blog.


  wptavern/happy 18th birthday wordpress  A belated birthday wish for WordPress, albeit, but better late than never.

Photo by Freestocks.org on StockSnap

Should we be forced to see more Canadian content on TikTok and YouTube?


Will this be the #spring in history that sees curtains for YouTube?

While the protests and the petition signatures were clear, the directive to restrict copyrighted material, known as Article 13 in the EU, received a “yes.”

Video on YouTube will likely no longer include “remixed” content once individual nations of the EU establish how they’re going to legislate protection for mainstream media, its images, film clips, and music.  For years now, the Internet has taken liberties in the name of freedom, to borrow from established media and then return to it transformative work, for the purpose of review, satire, parody and other kinds of humour.  This will likely end.

On YouTube, content filters for video uploads could become stodgy, and uninventive.  Removing freedoms to speak with ideas recycled from mainstream media inhibits Internet creators’ ability to articulate.  These come in the form of memes, even when it is an upset to the original, and identities in solidarity with views closely held to championed archetypes.  In the face of traditional media protected by Article 17 in the EU, emerging voices can and will fall by the wayside.

School bus pausing at Louth United Church, St. Catharines

If the nations of the EU no longer can upload or view content that contains copyrighted elements, for YouTube, a platform that facilitates hundreds of millions of hours of new and original video every day, doors are closing for what is a livelihood for hardworking creators.

In addition, the possibility that social accounts would be charged fees to link to web pages is a terrible limitation for small bloggers, with pages that have no hope of affording such a privilege.  This was the spring, of 2019, when Articles 11 and 13 became Article 17.  There is every possibility that the restrictions on uploading copyrighted content in the EU will drift into the same freedoms available regardless of where the Internet is accessed and overtake them.

A content filter is complex; it could be, despite how valuable original content is for Google and for Facebook and Twitter, that content filters will only function effectively if they are applied universally, and not just in the EU.  This could be a matter of months or years from now, but the challenges facing the EU, by creators on YouTube, and users enjoying social, and the right of Google to chart the world as it’s understood online, should be informing you.  You should at least consider the possibility that you need to be informed.

Kelly Sikkema

Article 17 will heavily favour the promotion of mainstream media.  Independent voices will lose the opportunity to include portions of copyrighted media, and this could mean a “talking head” style of video on YouTube rather than video containing the freedoms we enjoy now.  All art and video would be required to be free of copyrighted material, which I think is a practical impossibility.

There are creators who thrive on the “remix” of media images or industry music or PC games.  Formerly, they were smart enough to make a living doing that, and exceptionally.  Their opportunities are going to disappear.

The outcome of Article 17 in the EU is only just beginning to take shape, but there will be changes for Facebook and Twitter and YouTube that Article 13 is necessitating, the requirement to filter content video users upload.  Users on the Internet, with the support of the infrastructure of YouTube and Google, will have to strategize differently once Article 17 goes into effect.  It is a sea change.

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10 Reasons Radical Success is the Weakest Link Part II

Photographer: Rawpixel.com

Updated January 13, 2022

September 24, 2018, the Stereogum music history website posted to Facebook about the fiftieth-anniversary release of The White Album.  The Beatles Announce 50th Anniversary “White Album” Reissue With Previously Unreleased Tracks

I think of The Beatles being a radical success in music history, given the enormity of their popularity, even decades later.  However, how does that view of The Beatles relate to contemporary ideas about success, and how it is won?

I have ten reasons I’m suggesting that success like what The Beatles enjoyed is actually a weak link in terms of what it means for the individual to pursue preconceived notions of success and how it is misleading.  The first four were presented in a previous blog post.  The remaining six are presented here.

Streaming services

  1. Netflix is the leader of the pack, I believe, for video streaming.  They devote an enormous budget to original content and their selection of existing content is good.  That said, Disney is in the streaming video service market.  Netflix in my region is compatible with my Tivo, as are other video streaming services.
    The selection of videos on Netflix is good.  I want to step out of the chain of logic to ask if that implies that Tubi, a free video streaming service also compatible with my Tivo is a weak link.  Netflix is a completely enjoyable experience and Tubi is likewise an extra addition to the Tivo I use.
    It isn’t too hard to say which could be better assessed to be a radical success, in the future.  That said, while Netflix has been successful remaining ahead of the curve, Tubi is probably under far less pressure.  Does Tubi’s relative weak link status mean that it isn’t a success?  It is free to use.

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  2. Going forward with the theory that radical success means enormous difficulty, consider the contender that could grab much of Netflix’ market share, Disney.  Disney is unlikely to be going anywhere, given its weight as an entertainment brand, being known for its films, television, toys and theme parks.

Which of the two, Netflix or Disney, will be more of the radical success–that a good streaming service can be?  Or will they both amount to great success?  Disney has built in family appeal, given its products are for both adults and kids alike.  Netflix has been building that kind of appeal from scratch, but persistently.  Will either Netflix or Disney be a weak link?  It seems important to me that entertainment be good, when it is accessed, or experienced.

Netflix has a reputation for spending extravagant amounts of money on shows and films.  Disney already has an enormous built-in capacity for success in the future, in addition to plans for its video streaming service.

 Will Netflix Ever Actually Make Any Money?

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3. I started this post by saying there is a fiftieth-anniversary release of The White Album coming 11/9.  From what I understand about music streaming services, Spotify has a great conversion rate bringing customers from free use of Spotify onto the premium version.  I would ask, if taken to task, whether Spotify will be a “weak link.”

From everything I can say, music with Spotify is magnificent.  It seems to be an awesome service.

It is understood that The Beatles essentially recorded The White Album live to 8-track tape, and for everything they’d done in the name of their music, they were in fact recording music that would be a bit of a farewell to their fans.  If less scrutiny was being given to the music emerging on The White Album, would The Beatles have lasted longer?  And recorded songs for longer than they did?  I think it is possible, for when something is intended to be “perfect,” it is often a departure the way a pinnacle climbed must then be descended.

US Politics 

4. If you are following my argument, you might guess that the weak link I’m referring to is the former President of the United States, Donald Trump.  An example of someone about who there is much to decry that could be a weak link is the President.

As he is someone who was a TV star, I think it is worth mentioning here the radical success that he is known for enjoying and how at the same time the President has mounting problems that he is both a radical success, being wealthy and commanding power, but also a “weak link” in that he could bring down the whole show if he is not effective.  President Trump has a knack for appearing with ferocious emphasis again and again in the news, and yet he faces so much criticism and real-life repercussions and consequences that I think he makes a great example of a “weak link” who is at the same time a radical success.

The President brings to mind so many components and elements of radical success gone wrong that it is becoming clearer all the time that the President of the United States is an extremely divisive man. Donald Trump Says China Remix


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Photographer: Diego Jimenez

Motivated to Entrepreneurship

5. The ninth reason I want to assert that a weak link can be very much undermining is the idea that if you begin to succeed as an entrepreneur you can find yourself under more pressure than you ever anticipated facing.  Making money is many people’s idea of success, but you usually have to put in years of work to make your dreams come true.  And in this scenario, ironically, you yourself could be the weakest link if you don’t meet obstacles well.

Unless you keep improving, day in and day out, you could end up being the weak link in your organization simply owing to the fact that your luck could change.  If you have found a strategy that makes you King Midas, turning everything you touch to gold, if all of a sudden your luck changes, you may now be suddenly be faced by weakness.  The Secret to Self-Motivation | Gary Vaynerchuk’s GREATEST Motivational Speech Ever! 

Photographer: Rawpixel.com
Aerial view of computer laptop on wooden table

You need to keep improving and being good.  Everything that took you somewhere is behind you; you have to continue to make great decisions.  I suspect you’ll see for yourself if you falter.

6. The final reason I want to take back to Geeks + Gamers.  If you have someone, like Jeremy, who is comfortable discussing games, films, and sports, an articulate individual, who sees success coming from YouTube, from a Facebook group, from Twitch I suppose, who challenges who is at the top, as with The Last Jedi, I think it is a philosophical note to say that if you are at that pinnacle, there is any number of reasons your descent will be hastened by those who come after you.  You have to reach that pinnacle in excellent form; and you have to leave it in such a way that it endures, that there could be a fiftieth-anniversary, that there could be another billion-dollar blockbuster, that there could be a second term.  This is all vital, from a philosophical standpoint, what must be done if radical success, like the kind that spreads all around the globe, is to be achieved and then preserved. CLICKBAIT : A YOUTUBE STORY

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10 Reasons Radical Success is the Weakest Link Part I

Puzzle game

Updated November 22, 2018

In December my brother and his wife and kids gave me an unusual gift, a puzzle celebrating The Beatles’ music on The White Album.

Puzzle game
The Beatles

The puzzle is unusual mainly for the fact that the cover of The White Album is entirely the color white, which makes the puzzle an exercise in assembling puzzle pieces all the color white.  It is as if the wrong end of a game of chess game came down on you.

Beatles’ White Album: Five myths the 50th anniversary deluxe edition puts to the test


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Little Visuals

I have ten reasons I’m suggesting that success like what The Beatles enjoyed is actually a weak link in terms of what it means for individual success and how it is misleading.  Four are presented here.

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Suzy Hazelwood MONOPOLY FOR MILLENNIALS MAKES NPCs CRY The YouTube channel Geeks + Gamers fascinates me.  When Jeremy announced that he had fallen prey to a phishing spoof six weeks ago, I wanted to describe the problem in this post.  Jeremy was distracted at the moment and made a rookie error, surrendering control of Geeks + Gamers for seventeen minutes until he could get it back in order.  A second oversight occurred, when Jeremy neglected to secure his Google AdSense funding for the channel after the spoof.  When he realized that an entire month’s worth of  monies designated for Geeks + Gamers was stolen, he finally revealed what happened:  My YouTube Channel Was Hacked, Money Lost – Learn From My Mistakes  I’d been paying attention to Geeks + Gamers because I feel it protests and dissects conventional scholar on media.  The Geeks + Gamers team typically tackle major film projects like the DC universe on film, or more often the Disney Star Wars trilogy, as though the success, usually financial, of studio film output speaks to the conclusion that if a film is not fun, that if it doesn’t “work” in terms of being appealing to an audience, the film is not so much a radical success as it is a weak link.

  • It didn’t matter to Jeremy that The Last Jedi is another splendid blockbuster in terms of the money it made for Disney; it was to him a complete letdown and something that was a disservice to the favorite films that remind him of his childhood, the Star Wars films.  Disney Has Concerns About Star Wars After The Last Jedi  It is interesting that while ostensibly the financial success of a film doesn’t mean the film is magical for Jeremy, when it comes to his YouTube channels, Geeks + Gamers and others, it is certainly a problem when a month’s loot is stolen, by cyber-crime means.  I wish Jeremy and the other members of Geeks + Gamers hadn’t had to go through that.Halloween with Geeks + Gamers was interesting for the fact that Jeremy argued that very bold criticism of what he does with Geeks + Gamers had been declared, criticism that included the idea that “code words” were being communicated to Geeks + Gamers subscribers that subscribers should launch literal hate and violence at targets which Geeks + Gamers usually defame, a video you can watch here:  NPC Star Wars Writer Continues To Lie and Spread False Information  Jeremy responded firmly that Geeks + Gamers is in no way is supportive of violent attitudes in any situation, and further that Geeks + Gamers made no attempt to “boycott” the recent Star Wars film Solo, a position I’d heard Jeremy take before in a discussion how Solo ws lacklustre in terms of box office returns.

All this keeps me quite rapt about what this YouTube channel is saying about the Star Wars films–Geeks+ Gamers plays a role in backlash concerning the Rian Johnson Star Wars film The Last Jedi.

  • For Geeks + Gamers to become a successful YouTube channel, it meant starting from basics and building a subscriber basis and becoming a success, with people watching the videos and comment and so on.  If Geeks + Gamers were reviewing music, instead of films, and it was fifty years ago, perhaps they would have spoken about The White Album.  Instead, they are speaking out, frequently, about The Last Jedi, in a way which makes it completely clear that they regard Episode VIII of Star Wars as rubbish.When I watched The Last Jedi when it arrived on Netflix, I enjoyed it and even felt moved.  The mods of Geeks + Gamers had no such experience.  Instead, they despise the film and regale in making that clear rather than taking a positive spin on something that’s an extension to something they loved in childhood.I would guess that Geeks + Gamers take such a broad interest in film criticism that they feel they can succeed with a successful YouTube channel.  The idea of success they have is different from the idea of success that’s reflected in something like the fiftieth-anniversary of The White Album, or in the success of the blockbuster The Last Jedi.
  • The mods of Geeks + Gamers don’t seem to see The Last Jedi as a success at all because they despise it so much.  Their YouTube channel extrapolates messages like that Star Wars has been mostly reduced to rubbish, or that the DC comics universe could similarly face a death grip in the cinema.  I believe I had misunderstood Geeks + Gamers with my belief that Geeks + Gamers doesn’t desire or see any value in success at the level of the “blockbuster”; instead they expound on problems in entertainment which is compromised by identity politics in the entertainment that they criticize.  Now that I understand some more about Jeremy’s point of view,  it has me feeling a touch more informed about how identity politics show up in entertainment.
    To them, The Last Jedi is a weak link.  They wouldn’t aim for that kind of success in their own lives, for example.  It is notable, having learned of their misfortune with a phishing spoof, that their success has been compromised by their own position as a good-sized YouTube channel.

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Rawpixel.com  In addition, an example of underhandedly reacting to what’s been said on Geeks + Gamers is the shout-out they gave Mike Zeroh after film director Rian Johnson mean-spiritedly called out Zeroh who is devoted specifically to exploring what’s going on in Star Wars.  The Mike Zeroh channel is Zeroh’s speculation about “behind the scenes” in Star Wars.  In the initial days of shooting Episode IX of Star Wars, Johnson, reflecting on Twitter about what he was accomplishing with his Star Wars film, referred to YouTube’s Mike Zeroh as being a zero, although Johnson later apologized.

  • It is the same kind of weak link that exists when Geeks + Gamers tackles Star Wars because for all the enthusiasm Mike Zeroh puts into anticipating Star Wars, Mike Zeroh has personally explained that he feels The Last Jedi is a poor effort.
    Mike Zeroh Vs Rian Johnson… Thank you Rian Again!!!

I was amused by The White Album puzzle game I got from my brother and his family.  I am also grateful for the opportunity to share these opportunities.  I am glad if you have read this.  You’re welcome to “like,” to “follow,” and/or to comment.