Silent Symphony: Imagining a World Without Music and the Chaos That Ensues

Daily writing prompt
What would your life be like without music?

The absence of music in my life would alter my experiences significantly. As a child, Star Wars and its iconic score captivated me. Later, exposure to Various video outpourings on MuchMusic and books about rock music broadened my musical horizons. Despite potential academic distractions, personal reading and exploration enhanced my understanding of music. Reflecting on my first digital music experiences and recent music platforms, it’s clear that music plays a crucial role in my life. Without it, life would feel dystopian, akin to a post-apocalyptic world in The Terminator’s opening scene. How would your life differ without music?

“Music is the art which is most nigh to tears and memory.” — Oscar Wilde, Irish writer and dramatist

My favourite movie for a very long time was Star Wars. The notable score, composed by American John Williams, contributed to my enthusiasm for music.

During college, I read a couple of books about rock music, one about the history of the American crew the Velvet Underground, and one about subcultures, a gathering inside a society that separates itself from the place that had influence long before social media was even an idea. With those books, I was able to digest school seminars about art history, films, and Canadian traditional music.

I can remember the first songs I downloaded from the Internet and the first streaming music I listened to in the 2000s. I discovered web-based sound stage Bandcamp and found I enjoyed music additionally on YouTube, videos’ normally millennial-oriented format.

There’s something dystopian about our lives without popular music, just like the first scene of The Terminator, where we live in a post-apocalyptic world.

What would your life be like without music?

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