6 Astounding Things You Can Do on WordPress.com

Today was the twelfth anniversary of my website https://findingenvirons1.wordpress.com/ and while I’m not a pro at that stuff, I usually kind of try to think like I’m a developer even though there’s a chance these days that ChatGPT will suddenly force so much change among web developers that a real developer skill set won’t even be all that valuable unless you’re all in. It’s not necessary to tell people that I’m a developer; I simply write long-form WordPress posts and publish newsletters that may be disruptive. The question is whether I should just post the long-form this year and be content with a blog readership I can count on my fingers and dispense with the newsletters.

The cake keeps me at the table for another turn. Like the fantasy castle Ravenloft in the classic adnd adventure game publications, in Barovia, I sit before another grim scene completely illustrating the monster’s obsession with his intended, the cake, the centre of festivities halted in its tracks as dozens of horrified men from the countryside descended upon the stronghold and forced entry. The monster indeed fled that fateful night, but not before his betrothed fell from the castle turrets to her death far below during his flight from the marauders. He was horrified but had no time to do anything else to flee, for centuries to come…

While I don’t sell eBooks, music, or art on WordPress, I use the in-built WordPress Media Gallery to share what over the last few months I have begun to consider art. It’s also handy to have a WordPress account for interacting with other websites which don’t disguise that they too use WordPress.

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