Setting and Achieving Your Goals This Year #bloganuary

This year, I want to make sure that I can be part of the conversation at Twitter. It has become much more than a passing trend in recent years and is the platform of choice for many younger generations who finally–for better or worse– got their own voice on the internet. With all its ups and downs it still gives people so much freedom to express themselves, discover new things around them, and perhaps give something back as well with meaningful conversations. Let’s see how far I get

During Bloganuary, bloggers who blog about their private lives write about a topic-oriented writing prompt every day in January. Today’s prompt is: What is something you want to achieve this year? I am tackling that this way.

For 2023 I want to try to keep a hand in Twitter, given a lot of the attention, it’s got among social media platforms (and I’d say it is my favorite social media platform) about how it will do this year. It is the kind of platform that appeals to people from my generation, who never had a voice of their own until Twitter arrived and they became “very online,” which sparked the Twitterverse, a kind of “cult-like” zeal for microblogging that resulted in a lot of weird communications.

As far as I’m concerned, it wasn’t restricted to my generation, it doesn’t seem too weird to me, and Twitter gets a lot of hate (ironic considering it is often accused of being a platform for spreading hate speech, which is terrible, to begin with). Those with extremist views are usually targeted because they are unlikely to appear in the “real world,” the world beyond Twitter if they were not on Twitter.

On Twitter, I rarely see hate speech, and I would be offended if I did. There is a lot of negativity on Twitter, I agree, which does pose challenges to people’s mental health (and overall stability, I suppose), but a lot of that is in the form of sarcastic humor not all that different than the poor taste of ghastly writing that marked a lot of the best of the golden age of television, which also appeals, I suspect, to lots of people of my generation, but not at all entirely, and which isn’t the voice of the individual that Twitter lends itself to letting people feel they have (and which is obtainable). This one corner of the Internet offers the opportunity for the formerly unrepresented to move from silence to membership in a group of like-minded people, and while it has changed greatly since it first became a topic in mainstream media, no one has yet been able to totally negate it.

I’ll never feel I wasted time doing it because it was a lot of fun. It’s no longer as cool as when it resembled its original design, but products change, and with the bottom line that’s said to be facing Twitter, if it does have a chance of surviving say until the end of the year 2023, it will probably be accompanied by an upswing in popularity, which some say is happening, and which I sincerely believe is happening far more than those who believe it doesn’t.

I’ve seen it declared dead before. Despite my displeasure, I’m confident it’ll be more eventful than usual, given the excitement about it. It reminds me, as I mentioned above, of those days when it was discussed in the mainstream media.

Good luck if it’s your favorite one, too. Could well be a few highlights left to enjoy.

Sunshine Blogger Award – Number 3!!

A terrific post in response to the nomination


sunshine-blogger-awardOdell at Finding Environs(Patrick Coholan) blog nominated me for my third Sunshine Blogger Award. Thank again Patrick for the nomination. An incredible feeling today as much as it was when I read the nomination a few days ago.

For those wondering what all this means, the Sunshine Blogger Award is given by bloggers, to other bloggers, who inspire creativity and positivity within the blogging community!

The Sunshine Blogger Award is a great way to recognize old and new bloggers and connect to others within your niche or the blogging world as a whole. It also means you spread the word about writers you love, with your readers! So, it’s a win-win for all involved, so lets spread the love and a little bit of sunshine!!

Before going any further, take the time right now to check Odell at Findingenvirons1 blog out. Well worth the time to head on over and check…

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Join In The Fun! Join In The November 2018 Tea Party! 

Today is World Kindness Day, and I want to share The Little Mermaid. She hosts tea parties. I participated in four of these.

The Little Mermaid

What better way to suggest friendliness – and to create it – than with a cup of tea?” -J. Grayson Luttrell

Aloha, charming WordPressers!

I’m delighted to announce you that The Little Mermaid is hosting her fifth monthly tea party on her website. What? A tea party? On WordPress? When? How? For whom? Alright..alright…take it easy. I’m coming on to your questions.

Classically, a ‘tea party’ makes one think of superiorly elegant and elaborate affairs of the Victorian times. It also conjures up images of fluffy scones, flavoursome muffins, Devonshire Cream and dainty sandwiches served on fine silver or deluxe bone china. Still, the elemental part of a tea party remains the affable exchange of dialogue among the invitees. Almost indistinguishably, the tea party that I am organizing is an online social event hosted in honour of bloggers, that is US! Blogging is most enjoyable when it is done interactively…

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Join In The Fun! Join In The September 2018 Tea Party!

From what I’ve seen of The Little Mermaid, this is her third tea party on WordPress and the second one I’m joining. Her tea parties last all month, from the first day of the month to the last.

The Little Mermaid

“What better way to suggest friendliness – and to create it – than with a cup of tea?” -J. Grayson Luttrell

Aloha, charming WordPressers!

I’m delighted to announce you that The Little Mermaid is hosting her third monthly tea party on her website. What? A tea party? On WordPress? When? How? For whom? Alright..alright…take it easy. I’m coming on to your questions.

Classically, a ‘tea party’ makes one think of superiorly elegant and elaborate affairs of the Victorian times. It also conjures up images of fluffy scones, flavoursome muffins, Devonshire Cream and dainty sandwiches served on fine silver or deluxe bone china. Still, the elemental part of a tea party remains the affable exchange of dialogue among the invitees. Almost indistinguishably, the tea party that I am organizing is an online social event hosted in honour of bloggers, that is US! Blogging is most enjoyable when it is done interactively…

View original post 459 more words

Join In The Fun! Join In The August 2018 Tea Party!

This tea party for bloggers began the first of the month and is continuing to August’s last day.

The Little Mermaid

“What better way to suggest friendliness – and to create it – than with a cup of tea?” -J. Grayson Luttrell

Aloha, charming WordPressers!

I’m delighted to announce you that The Little Mermaid is hosting her second monthly tea party on her website. What? A tea party? On WordPress? When? How? For whom? Alright..alright…take it easy. I’m coming on to your questions.

Classically, a ‘tea party’ makes one think of superiorly elegant and elaborate affairs of the Victorian times. It also conjures up images of fluffy scones, flavoursome muffins, Devonshire Cream and dainty sandwiches served on fine silver or deluxe bone china. Still, the elemental part of a tea party remains the affable exchange of dialogue among the invitees. Almost indistinguishably, the tea party that I am organizing is an online social event hosted in honour of bloggers, that is US! Blogging is most enjoyable when it is done interactively…

View original post 487 more words

Happy Birthday: Mark Harmon

Some of the very best!

Festival Reviews

markharmon.jpgMark Harmon

Born: September 2, 1951 in Burbank, California, USA

Married to:
Pam Dawber (21 March 1987 – present) (2 children)

Gibbs [his character in NCIS (2003)] is like a great hunting dog. He is just the guy you want in your fox hole, he is just the guy you want to ride the river with. But I don’t know if he’s the guy you want to have dinner with.

dir. Steven Kampmann
William Porter
Mark Harmon
Jodie Foster

JUSTICE LEAGUE CRISIS ON TWO EARTHSJustice League: Crisis on Two Earths
dir. Lauren Montgomery
Sam Liu
Mark Harmon
Alyssa Milano
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
dir. Terry Gilliam
Benicio Del Toro
 Best of NCIS
Created by Aaron Sorkin

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It’s the Beginning of the New and the Time is Noted

Sacrifice is inevitable, and, really, a loss is the essence of tragedy. That’s why tears are shed, whether the sacrifice is deliberate or not, and, in the end, what was most dear to us is gone and never again had. Whatever we lose, no matter how hard we fought to earn it or how profusely we sweated to realize what we hold close, the day comes when it goes and you may not even have a chance to say goodbye.

Dimensions: 2999 x 1854
Photographer: it’s me neosiam

What do we hold precious? Whatever seems to us to be the best, what we cherish if we are among the lucky, people, animals, places, property… it all goes.

It can be gone in the wink of an eye. What’s more, it will most likely be that we will never have known it at all, except in our memory.

Fate unfolds for one and all, I suspect. We have opportunities to wield our hand and to stake claim to everything we feel we want, but if misfortune strikes, all of it can be taken away, and even if we do everything in our power to keep safe what we love, I think you must know that it will go, that nothing is forever. You don’t have but once, I feel, and it doesn’t matter what else is taught you.

I want to tell you this with the best intentions. You have but what amounts to today, and you have to strike, to hold, and to keep fast, and to love because you can never count on what’s ahead. It doesn’t matter what controls you set for the future.

You will see this time go, and it will never return. The most I can do, I feel, is to let you know.

Today’s WordPress prompt is the word “gone.” If you sympathize, if you “like” this blog post, use the “like” button or “follow” or subscribe. I didn’t want to be the one to tell you, but if you’re the same as me, you’re already here.