Canadian Facebook News Legislation Taboos You Should Try Today

SEP 11, 2023 2:00 AM What’s New With WIRED

Facebook Is Giving Up on News—Again

Are you a Canadian like me? If you are, you probably know that there is a Facebook news link ban. Do any of these three news stories ring a bell?

Prince Harry and Meghan to “Step Back” from Royal Duties

Harry and Meghan Markle declared their progress out of their jobs as senior individuals from the Family. “We now plan to balance our time between the United Kingdom and North America, continuing to honour our duty to The Queen, the Commonwealth, and our patronages,” their statement read. Buckingham Palace responded with a statement explaining that “Discussions with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are at an early stage,” and that “these are complicated issues that will take time to work through.”

Canada Wins First Medal at 2020 Tokyo Olympics

Swimmers Maggie Mac Neil, Kayla Sanchez, Rebecca Smit, and Penny Oleksiak posted a time of 3:32.78 to win silver in the women’s 4×100 m freestyle relay. The most memorable decoration of the Tokyo Games was this one. Mac Neil went on to win Canada’s first gold of the Games in the women’s 100 m butterfly.

Decathlete Damian Warner Wins Lou Marsh Trophy

Damian Warner received the Lou Marsh Trophy as Canada’s athlete of the year, in recognition of his gold medal victory in decathlon at the 2020 Olympic Summer Games in Tokyo. Warner set an Olympic record with 9,018 total points and became one of only four decathletes to reach 9,000 points in international competition. He additionally got the 2021 Lionel Conacher as Canada’s Male of the Year.

All of these news stories were widely discussed on Facebook. Certainly, they were in mainstream media around the world, but Facebook calls its wall a “news feed.” Facebook users discuss stuff like this.

This does not mean it is any less of a juggernaut of Big Tech. Except for TikTok and YouTube, Facebook has little competition. Even with Mark Zuckerberg being a wanker, changing the company’s name from Facebook to Meta, or losing billions of dollars in value by obsessing over the idea of a future in which we live in a “metaverse,” Facebook remains important.

In Canada, the Liberal government and Zuckerberg have clashed over the perception that news journalism on services like Facebook should be paid for. I know journalism is a tough, competitive business. However, it doesn’t mean journalists should get such a free ride that Facebook pay for their ice cream.

Many journalists employed by big media outlets sell lies, at least occasionally.

Moreover, news on Facebook is notoriously uninformed. The Internet battle between the political spheres of the Left and the Right, particularly in the US and in the UK, where much power is seated, is hard not to notice.

A platform that had an excellent reputation as a place to go for news, and now is not so hot and trustworthy, is X (formerly Twitter). It is declining in popularity and will probably keep going that way, but it’s still a giant platform.

I don’t see radical hate running willy-nilly. The biggest problem is that what’s trending is sometimes pretty goofy now, whereas before it was cooler. Anyway, it doesn’t mean you can’t still get news on X, and while it’s easy to argue that unless he manages to make it visibly profitable, it could be in for trouble, he might find a way to do that and X will seem cool again.

You might just get ahead of a surge in popularity for X if Elon has his way. He wants to see a lot of change in X.

He sometimes makes announcements that don’t come true, a habit about which he needs to be more careful in the future.

Twitter Indeed Verified or whatever it’s called is no longer useful. That’s the thing where you spend your monthly $8, or maybe $12 if you’re in Canada (I don’t actually know the prices) and then you get priority service when you tweet and some other advantages. I personally am not checkmarked blue.

I respect Elon, he certainly provides a lot of fun, but I just don’t think messing around with the checkmark for clout is in my interest.

Most X users don’t tweet themselves. They lurk, which is fine because it makes sense that people just want to read cool tweets or whatever.

So, you could try lurking on X, and maybe tweeting an opinion, or putting in the extra mile and getting yourself a blue badge.

If you’re already on X, you got this!

Anyway, if you’ve left Twitter because Elon bought it, you could consider returning (to X). This is even more true if you’re a Canadian who formerly relied on Facebook for news.

Even with X‘s decline in popularity, returning to X, the fact that it’s now a notorious platform, is one thing you could do for news.

I hope that the legislation around Canadian Internet content won’t negatively impact our Facebook use, our X use, our streaming video services, and our YouTube usage. I am not sure we have that luxury.

You’re welcome to “like” this post, to comment, and to follow the blog. Good luck getting your Internet news. The story is ongoing.

What the World Would Be Like If Fringe Opinions Didn’t Exist, Part II

The beginning of the month of June 2021 brought with it the following:

Trump Shuts Down ‘Social Media’ a.k.a. WordPress Blog Due to Lack of Readers

Isaiah Richard, Tech Times

What does reinvention mean?


1: to make as if for the first time something already invented and reinvents the wheel

2: to remake or redo completely

3: to bring into use again

Reinvention, in the year 2021, is one way people could move out of their present circumstances. It is no mystery that the future will not be the same as was intended.

Just surviving has become like a triumph, and love may prove the order of the day.

A worldwide perception of a second chance come is rare, and the future is unwritten; here is an age of miracles.

Governance could at this time be set free by Big Tech, or it could be screwed down like a bench at a bus stop intended not to be stolen.

In Canada, it is debated whether Canadian entertainment on the Internet could get paid, with Bill C-10 ready to put Canadian content front and centre on sites where it is not now automatically top-tier content, if you don’t wish a Canadian flavour every time you want a user video recommendation. Nor should Canadian viewer recommendations get like the offerings of AI bots behind walls at HQ, or further like that.

Bill C-10 faces backward and will embarrass Canada on the world stage

Take the case of Canadian comedian and broadcaster Tom Green, who has lately been highlighting his YouTube channel with a vlog showcasing a drive he did from LA to Ottawa. It is a singular vlog.

Tom Green’s Van Life

Watching Green offer reflections alone in the US desert, about the planet getting back to to a pre-pandemic normal, Green, whom in Road Trip directed by Ghostbusters director Ivan Reitman raised the point of how adaptation, not the adaptation of literature, but the endeavours you want for yourself to succeed in the face of unknown days. You start confidently and your handle on what we are facing will strengthen your resolve.

Goodness, excited about the future opening up for us, if it is not ultimately restricted by forces that we neither foresee coming nor welcome.

There must sometimes be a natural intelligent design for learning–that there could never be would be a very remote possibility. Intelligent design occurs frequently enough that I can not be discouraged from believing what we have is merely a happy accident.

what the world would be like if fringe opinions didn’t exist

I sometimes wish that, when I once considered affording myself some of the opportunities youth brings, I could have opted for hard work, in light of the big picture. Opportunities most frequently available are now changing, while content, as Bill Gates said, could well remain king.

Recently, last year and this year, my posts, each to a recollected song, under the nominal tutelage of Jim Adams, were rejected, when Adams decided he no longer welcomed my participation. That is fine, as my reflections helped me get better organized, and of my several posts for Song Lyric Sunday, most of them were useful in their own right.

Beginning again the last few weeks, with a new temperament, how now in the days of yesteryear, when I came up with observations that grew from insights that author Jeff Goins introduced, bestselling author of The Art of Work.

Without a proper book, or even trying to write a proper book, I might be accused of taking in a blog of this shape and style, mine, without effective long-time goals.

But The Art of Work is the bestseller about people who carved out singular paths for themselves, and it’s a wonderful book.

If this does not work, then, let this be Finding Courtesies in Handfuls of Garden Flowers.

Photo by 50Fish on StockSnap

I could briefly only think of Mr. Adams browsing my blog site and cringing. Or Goins. Nothing doing, I have a nice little blog.


  wptavern/happy 18th birthday wordpress  A belated birthday wish for WordPress, albeit, but better late than never.

Photo by on StockSnap

Should we be forced to see more Canadian content on TikTok and YouTube?