Somebody who decidedly affected your life: Critical Ease

Daily writing prompt
Share a story about someone who had a positive impact on your life.

My best friend certainly doesn’t agree with much I’ve considered when doing blog posts on much related to underground music.  

I think she feels that I’m not considering what song means, in the popular sense, and she doubts I have much good taste in any aspect of music.  

I wasn’t looking at it that way at all.  

Infrequently but steadily webpages describing feats of current music, typically, or other things to have gone on in musical works, seem to me like they would be interesting where I to share them, usually as to X given that we are a lot older.  

She doesn’t see why. It isn’t at all a hobby that speaks to her.  

Well, there’s no compelling reasoning behind the decision to do those, except that the posts are accompanied by media images that look intriguing next to post copy, and typically the webpages linked to contain methods to stream music, like Spotify previews or embedded Bandcamp selections.  

To me, that’s enough in and of itself. I see, though, the passion she understands that goes with that kind of thing is something she easily has an insight into that I don’t myself.  

I wouldn’t be reading the discourse about the music if her insight was as penetrable for me as it is for her. She is lucky she ever uncovered that.

Water from Your Eyes when opening for Interpol at Mexico City’s Zócalo ceremonial square received a nice commemoration for Flood  

Their ingenious intermingling of sonic range and urgent rhythm helped me understand why music reviewer Anthony Fantano on YouTube spoke highly of the lead-in single to their debut Everyone’s Crushed, especially how discordant it is when he reviewed that record album.  

Why wouldn’t you want a very gruelling record like Everyone’s Crushed to be awash in beautifully reckless noise that is examined from without?