10 Freaky Reasons Cupcakes Could Get You Fired

Tuesday morning I went in to see that Tim’s “smile cookies” are back, which are cinnamon cookies with the icing of a smile atop them–:). That evening I bought one to take to a friend, as I am a steadfast believer in the power of kindness.

I am part of an operating cemetery on a year-round basis https://www.facebook.com/LouthUnited

As I’m in the role of SMM I occasionally draw inspiration from the work for the blog I keep, which is what you’re reading.

September 2018 I joined for the second time in the third of three-month-long tea parties organized by WordPress blogger The Little Mermaid.

For September, the theme is the subject of “food.”


I have enjoyed browsing the tea party posts. My curiosity is piqued for what could be around the corner as The Little Mermaid posts a fourth tea party.

I have also reflected on a new idea for a post.

10 Freaky Reasons Cupcakes Could Get You Fired



The Glass is Half Empty

1.You’re sugarcoating the truth, and it comes out easy over cupcakes in the office cafeteria party.
2.You’re entering a relationship with a girl who bakes for you and is challenging your fashion sense.
3.You’re juggling naysayers and gossips.
4.You’re coming home from work only to watch syndicated sitcom programming on late night cable… again. If you’re lucky, you have a dog.
5.You’re setting a bad example.

The Glass is Half Full

6.Your parents are out of town, her parents are out of town… when the cat’s away, the mice will play.
7.You’re asking can you spare a dollar.
8.You hope to set your Facebook privacy settings to Who Can See Your Friends… Only Me (in order to discourage gawkers.)
9.You and the girl baking for you are both Irish.
10.The cupcakes are a vanilla mix and seem to be challenging you to up your game.

In seriousness, now, 15 September marked the International Day of Democracy


You are probably familiar, to one extent or another, with the troubles in the White House. I became interested in that when Facebook came under scrutiny for the suggestion of there being misappropriated influence preceding the 2016 US Election.

Again 15 September, the United Nations has observed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for seventy years now.

The International Day of Democracy observes the importance of a democratic government for each individual member of the United Nations.

I also observed on this day the reality that I had reached the age of forty-one and a half years old. I feel reasonably good, interested in life in general and grateful for my opportunities and for my leisure time.

I am appreciative of those who “like,” “follow” and/or comment. For that, thank you.

#DemocracyDay #PeaceDay

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